I'm a professor at ENS Rennes since 2015, member of the Magellan project-team in the Irisa laboratory (this is in Rennes, France). I currently serve as a chair for the ENS teaching department, and I'm also in charge of the first year of this curriculum.

French Curriculum Vitæ (Dec'24); English Curriculum Vitæ (Jan'24).

On the personal side, I'm 31 (in hexadecimal, of course), married and with three great sons. My nickname is emptty, and I'm a convinced kopimist (but also pastafarist).

Distributed Systems (details)

My main research is about experimentation methodologies for large-scale distributed systems. Selected projects:

  • SimGrid is a framework to build simulators of large scale distributed applications.
  • Member of the FACTO ANR project on energy savings in the domestic networks. My participation is about the modeling of wifi network performance and energy consumption. Member of the Dark Era ANR project, in which I plan to interconnect SimGrid with PREESM to enable the platform provisionning of the SKA computing infrastructure. Former member of the Hac Specis project funded by Inria. My participation is about the formal verification of HPC programs.
  • Former project leader of SONGS, funded by the ANR (2012-2016), toward sound studies in Grids, P2P, Clouds and HPC.

Current Students and Engineers

  • Victorien Elvinger (Dec. 2024-Nov 2026): Engineer on the SmolPhone project
  • Mathieu Laurent (since 2023): PhD on integrating software model-checking in SimGrid
  • Léo Cosseron (since 2022): PhD on the use of SimGrid between virtual machines for the study of stealth softwares.
  • Past students and open positions: here.

Teaching (details)

  • Programming: Introduction to programming, Object programming with Java, C programming and introduction to UNIX.
  • Systems: System Programming, Operating System Design.
  • Distribution: Distributed Algorithms, Grid Computing.

Hacking (details)

Debian developer — I like to hack little projects together.

Great fan of scientific mediation; Author of outreach activities.


I act as a chair for the Département d'informatique de l'ENS Rennes. We do have an open position for 2025.