Recent publications
To download some of the following publications, please connect to:
- Kadi Bouatouch and Christian Bouville
Photorealism in Computer Graphics,
Springer, 1992
ISBN 978-3-662-09287-3
- A. Chalmers and Timothy Davis and Erik Reinhard
Practical Parallel rendering
AK PETERS, 2002.
Chapter 4 written by Kadi Bouatouch
- Ricardo
Marques, Christian Bouville, Luís Paulo Santos, Kadi Bouatouch
Efficient Quadrature Rules for Illumination Integrals: From Quasi Monte Carlo
to Bayesian Monte Carlo
Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics and Animation
June 2015, 92 pages, (doi:10.2200/S00649ED1V01Y201505CGR019)
Morgan & Claypool Publishers
Frédéric Dufaux, Patrick Le Callet, Rafal K. Mantiuk, Marta
High Dynamic Range Video: From Acquisition to Display and
Academic Press, Elsevier, 2016
ISBN: 9780081004128
Chapter 6 written by Ronan Boitard, Rémi Cozot and
Kadi Bouatouch
Siggraph Sketches and
· 2012: Charly
Collin, Mickaël Ribardière, Rémi Cozot, Kadi Bouatouch,
Progressive Volume Photon Tracing, SIGGRAPH 2012 Talk
- 2007: François Guillaume,
Pascal Gautron, Gaspard Breton, Kadi Bouatouch, Anatomically accurate
modeling and rendering of the human eye, SIGGRAPH 2007 Sketches
- 2006: P. Gautron, K.
Bouatouch, S. Pattanaik, Temporal Radiance Caching, SIGGRAPH 2006
- 2006: Kévin Boulanger, Sumanta
Pattanaik, Kadi Bouatouch, Rendering Grass Terrains in Real-Time with
Dynamic Lighting, Siggraph 2006 sketch
- 2006: François
Guillaume, Subsurface Texture Mapping, SIGGRAPH 2006 Sketches
- 2006: Jaroslav Krivanek, Jaakko Konttinen,
Kadi Bouatouch, Sumanta Pattanaik, Jiri Zara, Fast Approximation to
Spherical Harmonics Rotation, SIGGRAPH 2006 Sketches.
- 2005: P. Gautron, J.
Krivànek, K. Bouatouch, S. Pattanaik, Radiance Cache Splatting: A
GPU-Friendly Global Illumination Algorithm, SIGGRAPH Sketch, August 2005
2023: Ific
Goudé , Alexandre Bruckert , Anne-Helene Olivier , Julien Pettre , Remi
Cozot , Kadi Bouatouch , Marc Christie , Ludovic Hoyet , Real-time Multi-map
Saliency-driven Gaze Behavior for Non-conversational Characters, Accepted, To appear in IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
2023 : Mathieu Chambe, Ewa Kijak, Zoltan Miklos, Olivier
Le Meur, Rémi Cozot, Kadi Bouatouch, HDR-LFNet: Inverse
tone mapping using fusion network, Computers & Graphics Journal, Available
· 2022 : R.
Marques, Christian Bouville, Kadi Bouatouch, Gaussian Process for Radiance
Function on the S2 Sphere, Accepted, To appear in Computer Graphics Forum Journal.
· 2021: Ific
Goudé, Rémi Cozot, Olivier Le Meur, Kadi Bouatouch, Example-based
color transfer for 3D point clouds, Computer Graphics Forum
Journal, Volume
40, Issue 6, September 2021, Pages 428-446.
- 2021: Ricardo Marques, Christian Bouville,
Kadi Bouatouch and Josep Blat, Extensible Spherical Fibonacci Grids, IEEE
TVCG, Volume 7, Number 4.
- 2020: R. Marques, C. Bouville, K.
Bouatouch, Spectral Analysis of Quadrature Rules and Fourier Truncation-based
Methods Applied to Shading Integrals, IEEE TVCG, Volume 26, Issue 10,
- 2019: D. Kusovkin, t. Pouli, R. Cozot, O.
Le Meur, J. Kervec, K. Bouatouch, Context in Photo Albums: understanding
and modeling user behavior in clustering and selection, ACM Trans. on
Applied Perception, Volume 16, Number 2.
- 2019: R. Marques, C. Bouville, and K.
Bouatouch, Optimal sample weights for hemispherical integral quadratures.
Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 38, Issue 1, Pages: 1-692, February.
- 2018: H. Hristova, O. Le Meur, R. Cozot,
K. Bouatouch, Transformation of the Multivariate Generalized Gaussian
Distribution for Image Editing, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics PP(99):Vol. 24, Issue 10, Nov.
- 2018: Hristina Hristova, Olivier Le Meur,
Remi Cozot, Kadi Bouatouch, Multi-purpose bi-local CAT-based guidance
filter, Journal of Signal Processing: Image Communication, to appear in
- 2017: Djihane Babahenini, Adrien
Gruson, Mohamed Chaouki Babahenini, Kadi Bouatouch, Efficient inverse
transform methods for VPL selection in global illumination, Multimedia
Tools and Applications, Springer, July 2017.
- 2017: H. Hristova, O. Le Meur, R.
Cozot and K. Bouatouch, High-Dynamic-Range Image Recovery from Flash and
Non-Flash Image Pairs, The Visual Computer Journal, Vol. 33, Issue 6,
presented at Computer Graphics International conference, Yokahama, Japan,
July .
- 2016: A. Gruson, M.
Ribardière, M. Sik, J. Vorba, R. Cozot, K. Bouatouch, J. Krivanek,
A Spatial Target Function for Metropolis Photon Tracing, In ACM
Transactions on Graphics, Volume 36, Issue 1, November.
- 2015: M. Omidvar, M.
Ribardière, S. Carré, D. Méneveaux, K. Bouatouch, A
Radiance Cache Method for Highly Glossy Surfaces
The Visual Computer journal.
- 2015: B. Merabti, M. Christie, K. Bouatouch,
A Virtual Director using Hidden Markov Models, Computer Graphics Forum
journal, Nov., Vol. 35, Issue 8.
- 2014: R. Boitard, Rémi Cozot, D.
Thoreau, K. Bouatouch, Zonal Brightness Coherency for Video Tone Mapping,
Signal Processing: Image Communication, Elsevier journal, Vol. 29, Issue
2, February.
- 2014: Charly Collin,
Sumanta Pattanaik, Patrick LiKamWa, Kadi Bouatouch, Discrete ordinate
method for polarized light transport solution and subsurface BRDF
computation, Computer & Graphics, Vol. 45, pp 17-27, December.
- 2013: R. Marques, C. Bouville, M.
Ribardière, L.P. Santos, K. Bouatouch, Spherical Fibonacci Point
Sets for Illumination Integrals, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 32, Issue
- 2013: C. Collin, M. Ribardière, A.
Gruson, R. Cozot, K. Bouatouch, S. Pattanaik, Visibility-driven
progressive volume photon tracing, The Visual Computer, Vol.
29, Issue 9 (improved version of CGI'2013).
- 2013: R. Marques, C. Bouville, M.
Ribardière, L.P. Santos, K. Bouatouch, A Spherical Gaussian
Framework for Bayesian Monte Carlo Rendering of Glossy Surfaces, IEEE
Transaction On Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 19, Issue 10.
- 2012: Gaël Sourimant, Thomas Colleu,
Vincent Jantet, Luce Morin, Kadi Bouatouch, Toward automatic GIS-video
initial registration, Annals of Telecommunications, Vol. 67, Number 1-2.
- 2011: Vaclav Gassenbauer, Joraslav
Krivanek, Kadi Bouatouch, Christian Bouville, Mickael Ribardière,
Improving Performance and Accuracy of Local PCA, Computer Graphics Forum,
Vol. 30, Number 7, pp 1903-1910 (also in Pacific Graphics, September 2011)
- 2011: Mickaël Ribardière,
Samuel Carré, Kadi Bouatouch, Adaptive Records for Volume
Irradiance Caching, The Visual Computer, Vol. 7, Number 6-8, pp
655-664, (also Computer Graphics International, June, Ottawa, Canada)
- 2011: Mickaël
Ribardière, Samuel Carré, Kadi Bouatouch, Adaptive Records
for Irradiance Caching, Computer Graphics Forum Journal, Vol. 30,
Number 6, pp 1603-1616.
- 2011: : Bernardt Duvenhage, Kadi
Bouatouch, Derrick Kourie, Extending Backward Polygon Beam Tracing to
Glossy Scattering Surfaces, Computer Graphics Forum Journal,
Vol. 30, Number 6, pp. 1825-1836.
- 2010: Kévin Boulanger, Kadi
Bouatouch, Sumant Pattanaik, High-Frequency Shadows for Real-Time
Rendering of Trees, Journal of Graphics Tools, Vol. 15, Number 1.
- 2009: Jonathan Brouillat, Christian
Bouville, Brad Loos, Charles Hansen, Kadi Bouatouch, A Bayesian Monte
Carlo Approach to Global Illumination, Computer Graphics
Forum Journal, Vol. 28, Number 8.
- 2009: Guillaume François,
Pascal Gautron, Gaspard Breton, Kadi Bouatouch, Image-Based
Modeling of the Human Eye, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics journal. Vol. 15, Number 5.
- 2009: Kévin Boulanger,
Sumanta Pattanaik, Kadi Bouatouch, Rendering Grass in Real-Time with
Dynamic Lighting, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications
journal, Vol. 29, Number 1.
- 2008: Guillaume
François, Sumanta Pattanaik , Kadi Bouatouch , Gaspard Breton,
Subsurface Texture Mapping, IEEE Computer Graphics &
Applications journal, Vol. 28, Number 1.
- 2007: Erik Reinhard, Timo Kunkel, Yoann
Marion, Jonathan Brouillat, Rémi Cozot and Kadi
Bouatouch, Image Display Algorithms for High and Low Dynamic Range
Display Devices, Journal of the Society for Information Display, 15(12),
- 2007: Pascal Gautron, Kadi Bouatouch,
Sumant Pattanaik, Temporal Radiance Caching, IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics journal., Vol. 12, Number 5,
- 2007: Hadjira Bentoumi, Pascal Gautron,
and Kadi Bouatouch, GPU-Based Volume Rendering for Medical Imagery,
International Journal of Computer systems Science and Engineering,
Vol. 1, Number 1,
- 2005: J. Krivànek, P. Gautron, S.
Pattanaik, K. Bouatouch, Radiance Caching for Efficient Global
Illumination Computation IEEE Transactions of Visualization and Computer
Graphics, Vol. 11, Number 5, September/October 2005
- 2005: Jean-Eudes Marvie, Julien
Perret, Kadi Bouatouch,.The FL-system: A Functional L-system for
procedural geometric modeling. The Visual Computer, Springer. May
- 2002: G. Rougeron and F. Gaudaire and Y.
Gabillet and K. Bouatouch, Simulation of the indoor propagation of a 60
GHz electromagnetic wave with a time-dependent radiosity algorithm,
Computer And Graphics, Vol. 6, Number 1, February 2002
- 2001: A. Zarghili and N. Gadi and R.
Benslimane and K. Bouatouch, Arabo-Moresque decor image retrieval system
based on mosaic representations, The Journal of Cultural Heritage, Vol. 2,
Number 2, 2001
- 2000: E. Guillou and D. Meneveaux
and E. Maisel and K. Bouatouch, Using vanishing points for camera
calibration and coarse 3D, The Visual Computer, Vol. 16, Number 7,
- 1999: Meneveaux, K. Bouatouch.
Synchronisation and Load Balancing for Parallel Hierarchical Radiosity of
Complex Scenes on a Heterogenous Computer Network. Computer
Graphics Forum, Vol. 18, Number 4, December 1999.1
- 1999: R. Dumont, K. Bouatouch. A
Progressive Algorithm for Three Point Transport. Computer Graphics
Forum, Vol.18, Number1, March 1999.
- 1998: M. Chelle, B.
Andrieu, K. Bouatouch. Nested
Radiosity for Plant Canopies. The Visual Computer journal,
14(11):109-125, December 1998.
- 1998: D. Meneveaux, K.
Bouatouch, E. Maisel, R. Delmont. A New Partitionning Method for Architectural Environments. The
journal of
Visualization and Computer Animation, 9(4), October-November 1998.
- 1997: E. Zeghers and S. Carré and
K. Bouatouch, Error-Bound wavelength selection for spectral rendering, The
Visual Computer journal, Vol. 13, Number 9+10, 1997
- 2018: Dmitry Kuzovkin,
Tania Pouli, Rémi Cozot, Olivier Le Meur, Jonathan Kervec, Kadi
Bouatouch, Image Selection in Photo Albums, ICMR’2018, June 11-14,
2018, Yokohama, Japan.
- 2018: M.Melo, H. Coelho, A. Chalmers, R.
Cozot, M. Besse, K. Bouatouch, Tone Mapping HDR Panoramas for Viewing in
Head Mounted Displays,VISIGRAPP, Madeira, January.
- 2018: H. Hristova, O. Le Meur, R. Cozot,
K. Bouatouch, Transformation of the Beta Distribution for Color Transfer,
VISIGRAPP, Madeira, January.
- 2017: D. Kuzovkin, t. Pouli, r. Cozot, O.
Le MEur, J. Kervec, K. Bouatouch, Context-aware Clustering and Assessment
of Photo Collections, Expressive'2017, Los Angeles, USA, July.
- 2017: H. Hristova, O. Le Meur, R.
Cozot and K. Bouatouch, Perceptual metrics for color transfer methods, EEE
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Beijing, China,
- 2016: M Hudon, R Cozot, K Bouatouch,
Automatic Light Compositing using Rendered Images,
DMIAF, Santorini, Greece, July.
- 2016: Ricardo Marques, Christian Bouville,
Luis Santos, Kadi Bouatouch, 2-Level Adative Sampling for Illumination
Integrals using Bayesian Monte Carlo, Eurographics conference, Lisbon,
Portugal, May.
- 2016: M Hudon, A Gruson, Paul Kerbiriou, R
Cozot, K Bouatouch, Shape and Reflectance from RGB-D Images Using Time
Sequential Illumination, VISAPP, Roma.
- 2015: Hristina Hristova, Rémi
Cozot, Olivier Le Meur and Kadi Bouatouch, Color transfer between
high-dynamic-range images, Proc. SPIE 9599, Applications of Digital Image
Processing XXXVIII, 95990S (September 22, 2015); doi:10.1117/12.2186774,
San Diego, California, United States, August 09.
- 2015: Hristina Hristova, O. Le Meur, R.
Cozot, K. Bouatouch, Style-aware robust color transfer, Expressive
(International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics,
Visualization, and Imaging), June, Istambul.
- 2015: Matis Hudon, Kadi Bouatouch, Paul
Kerbiriou, High speed sequential illumination with electronic rolling
shutter cameras, CCD (4th IEEE International Workshop on Computational
Cameras and Displays), June, Boston.
- 2014: Vincent Leon, Adrien Gruson,
Rémi Cozot, Kadi Bouatouch, Automatic Aesthetics-based Lighting
Design with Global Illumination, Pacific Graphics (Short paper).
- 2014: Charly Collin, Sumanta Pattanaik,
Patrick LiKamWa, Kadi Bouatouch, Computation of polarized subsurface BRDF
for rendering, Graphics Interface, May, Montreal, Canada.
- 2014: Ronan Boitard1 Rémi Cozot,
Dominique Thoreau and Kadi Bouatouch, Motion-Guided Quantization for Video
Tone Mapping, International Conference Multimedia and Expo (ICME), July,
Chengdu, China
- 2013: R. Boitard, D. Thoreau, Rémi
Cozot, K. Bouatouch, Impact of Temporal Coherence-Based Tone Mapping on
Video Compression, Eusipco, September, Marrakech, Morocco.
- 2013: C. Collin, M. Ribardière, A.
Gruson, R. Cozot, K. Bouatouch, S. Pattanaik, Visibility-driven
progressive volume photon tracing, Proceedings of the Computer
Graphics International (CGI'2013), Hannover, June
- 2013: Charly Collin, Ke Chen, Ajit
Hakke-Patil, Sumanta Pattanaik, Kadi Bouatouch, Green's function solution
to subsurface light transport for BRDF computation, Spring Conference on
Computer Graphics, May, Slovakia.
- 2013: B. Duvenhage, K. Bouatouch, D.
Kourie, Verification of Bidirectional Reflectance DistributionFunction
Implementations for Physical Plausibility, South African Institute for
Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT), October,
South Africa.
- 2012: Ronan Boitard, Kadi Bouatouch, Remi
Cozot, Dominique Thoreau, Adrien Gruson, Temporal coherency for video tone
mapping, SPIE, June, San Diego, USA,
- 2012: Adrien Gruson, Ajit Hakke
Patil, Rémi Cozot, Kadi Bouatouch, Sumant Pattanaik, Light
Propagation Maps on Parallel Graphics Architectures, Eurographics
Symposium on Parallel Visualization and Graphics (EGPVG), Cagliari, Italy.
- 2010: Bernardt Duvenhage, Kadi Bouatouch,
Derrick Kourie, Exploring the Use of Glossy Light Volumes for Interactive
Global Illumination, Afrigraph, June, Franschoek, South Africa.
- 2009: Vaclav Gassenbauer, Jaroslav
Krivanek, Kadi Bouatouch, Spatial Directional Radiance Caching, In
Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, June-July, Girona,
- 2009: M. Schott, V. Pegoraro, C. Hansen,
K. Boulanger, K. Bouatouch, A Directional Occlusion Shading Model
for Interactive Direct Volume Rendering, Eurographics/IEEE Symposium
on Viualization, June, Berlin.
- 2008: J. Brouillat, P. Gautron, K.
Bouatouch, Photon Driven Irradiance Cache, In Proceedings of Pacific
Graphics conference, October, 2008, Tokyo.
- 2008: Kévin Boulanger, Kadi
Bouatouch, Sumant Pattanaik, Rendering Trees with Indirect Lighting in
Real Time, In Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, June
- 2007: Gaël Sourimant, Luce
Morin, Kadi Bouatouch, Gps, Gis and Video fusion for urban modeling,
Computer Graphics International, May-June, Petropolis, Brazil
- 2007: Gaël Sourimant, Luce
Morin, Kadi Bouatouch, GPS, GIS AND Video Registration for Building
Reconstruction, ICIP, September, San Antonio.
- 2006: Jaroslav Krivánek, Kadi
Bouatouch, Sumanta Pattanaik, and Jir(í Žára Making
Radiance and Irradiance Caching Practical: Adaptive Caching and Neighbor
Clamping (Paper in Conference Proceedings) In Rendering Techniques,
Proceedings Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, pp. 127-138. June
- 2006: Jaroslav Krivánek, Jaakko
Konttinen, Sumanta Pattanaik, Kadi Bouatouch, and Jirí
Žára, Fast Approximation to Spherical Harmonic Rotation (Paper
in Conference Proceedings) SCCG '06: Proceedings of the 22nd spring
conference on Computer graphics
- 2006: Kévin Boulanger, Kadi
Bouatouch, Sumanta Pattanaik, ATIP: A Tool for 3D Navigation inside a
Single Image with Automatic Camera Calibration, EG UK Theory and Practice
of Computer Graphics 2006.
- 2006: O. Deille, J. Maillard, N.
Noé, K. Bouatouch, J. Martin, Real-time acoustic rendering of
complex environments including diffraction and curved surfaces,
Proceedings of the 120th Audio Engineering Society Convention Paper,
Paris, France.
- 2006: O. Deille, J. Maillard, N.
Noé, K. Bouatouch, J. Martin, Interactive real-time auralization
system of complexly-shaped volumes, Proceedings of Euronoise, Tampere,
- 2005: Pascal Gautron, Jaroslav
Krivánek, Kadi Bouatouch, and Sumanta Pattanaik Radiance Cache
Splatting: A GPU-Friendly Global Illumination Algorithm. In
Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, p. 55-64. June
- 2005: Jaroslav Krivánek,
Pascal Gautron , Kadi Bouatouch, and Sumanta Pattanaik Improved, Radiance
Gradient Computation, In Proceedings of Spring Conference on Computer
Graphics SCCG 2005, ACM Press, 2005, p.155-159. ISBN
- 2004: Pascal Gautron , Jaroslav
Krivánek, Sumanta Pattanaik, Kadi Bouatouch, A Novel Hemispherical Basis
for Accurate and Efficient Rendering, In Proceedings of Eurographics
Symposium on Rendering, p. 321-330. June 2004.
- 2004: Jean-Eudes Marvie and Kadi
Bouatouch, A Vrml97-X3D Extension for Massive Scenery Management in
Virtual Worlds, In proceedings of the ninth international conference on 3D
Web technology, pages 145-153. ACM SIGGRAPH. April . Monterey
- 2004: R. Namane, F.O. Boumghar and K.
Bouatouch, QSplat Compression, Proceedings of Afrigraph conference, Pages:
15 - 24 , 2004, ISBN:1-58113-863-6 , Stellenbosch, South Africa.
- 2003: D. Meneveaux, K. Bouatouch, G.
Subrenat and P. Blasi, Efficient clustering and visibility calculation for
global illumination, Proceedings of Afrigraph conference, February 2003,
Cape Town, South Africa.
- 2003: Remote Interactive Walkthrough of
City Models. Jean-Eudes Marvie and Julien Perret and Kadi Bouatouch. In
proceedings of Pacific Graphics, pages 389-393. IEEE Computer
Society. October . Canmore Canada. Short paper.
- 2003: Jaroslav Krivánek, Jiri
Žára, and Bouatouch Kadi, Fast Depth-of-Field Rendering with
Surface Splatting (Paper in Conference Proceedings), In Proceedings
CGI'03. Tokyo, Japan.
- 2003: Jean-Eudes Marvie, Kadi Bouatouch,
Remote Rendering of Massively Textured 3D Scenes Through Progressive Texture
Maps, In proceedings of the third IASTED conference on Visualisation
Imaging and Image Processing, pages 756-761. ACTA Press. September
. Benalmade?a Spain
- 2000: S. Carré and J.M.
Deniel and E. Guillou and K. Bouatouch, Handling dynamic changes in hierarchical
radiosity through interaction meshes, Pacific Graphics'2000, Pages: 40 -
51, 2000.
- 2000: R. Dumont, K. Bouatouch,
Combining Hierarchical Radiosity and LODs, IASTED, Computer Graphics and
Imaging conference, November, 2000.
- 1998: D. Meneveaux, K.
Bouatouch, E. Maisel, Memory management schemes for radisiosity
computation in complex environments, Computer Graphics International'98,
June, 1998.
Technical Reports
- 2007: François Guillaume,
Pascal Gautron, Gaspard Breton, Kadi Bouatouch, Anatomically accurate
modeling and rendering of the human eye, technical report,
- 2006: P. Gautron, K.
Bouatouch, S. Pattanaik, Temporal Radiance Caching, Technical Report
Number 1796, IRISA, Rennes, France
- 2006: K. Boulanger, S. Pattanaik, K.
Bouatouch, Rendering Grass in Real-Time with Dynamic Light Sources and
Shadows, Technical Report Number 1809, July, IRISA, Rennes, France
- 2006: Guillaume
François , Sumanta Pattanaik , Kadi Bouatouch , Gaspard Breton,
Subsurface Texture Mapping, Technical Report Number 1806, June 2006 / 28
- 2005: Jaroslav Krivánek, Jaakko
Konttinen, Sumanta Pattanaik, and Kadi Bouatouch, Fast Approximation to
Spherical Harmonic Rotation (Technical report) Technical report Number
1728. IRISA, Rennes, France. July 2005.
- 2004: Jaroslav Kr(ivánek, Pascal
Gautron , Sumanta Pattanaik, and Kadi Bouatouch, Radiance Caching for
Efficient Global Illumination Computation (Technical report) Technical
Report Number 1623. IRISA, Rennes, France. June 2004.
- 2003:Remote Interactive Walkthrough of
City Models using Procedural Geometry. Jean-Eudes Marvie and Julien Perret
and Kadi Bouatouch. INRIA. July . Rennes. Research Report RR-4885.