Ewa Kijak
Associate professor University of Rennes 1 (ESIR) IRISA, team
Linkmedia Head of study track Digital images at ESIR
Email: ewa.kijak[at]irisa.fr
IRISA/Inria Rennes–Bretagne
Equipe Linkmedia, Bureau F313
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes Cedex, FRANCE
Short CV
- 2006-: Associate Professor, ESIR (Univ. Rennes 1), IRISA, Team Linkmedia
- 2004-2006: Associate Professor, LIP6, UPMC - Paris VI (now Sorbonne University), Team LOFTI
- 2003-2004: ATER (Research temporary agent) at ISTIC, Univ. Rennes 1, Team METISS
- 2000-2003: Research engineer in the Advanced Visual Processing Lab of THOMSON multimedia, Rennes, France
- 2003: PhD Thesis in signal processing, University Rennes 1
- 2000: Master degree in signal and image processing from Strasbourg University
- 2000: Engineering degree from Telecom physique Strasbourg (previously ENSPS)
Current research interests
- Image description and indexing
- Image classification, object detection and recognition
- Machine learning for computer vision
- Multimodal analysis
- Fake news detection
Some past research interests
- Sport video analysis
- Security of CBIR
Publications from 2006
Exported from HAL.
Current teaching
M2 level
- Image indexing
Keywords: image description, database retrieval, approximate search, IR evaluation - Deep learning for vision
Keywords: object detection, semantic segmentation, metric learning
M1 level
- Supervised machine learning for
image classification
Keywords: decision trees, logistic regression, neural networks, CNN, SVM, Bossting, RF, Bayesian learning - Image processing
Keywords: filtering, edge detection, segmentation, mathematical morphology
M2 level
- Supervised machine learning
L3 level
- Basics on probability and statistics