Publications in
Google Scholar,
- T. Allard, H. Asghar, G. Avoine, C. Bobineau, P. Cauchois, E. Fromont, A. Monreale, F. Naretto, R. Pellungrini, F. Pratesi, M.-C. Rousset, A. Voyez
Analyzing and explaining privacy risks on time series data: ongoing work and challenges,
SIGKDD Explor. 26(1): 49-58 (2024). HAL.
- Elodie Germani, Élisa Fromont and Camille Maumet
On the benefits of self-taught learning for brain decoding,
GigaScience, Volume 12, 2023. HAL.
- O. Krichen, S. Corbillé, É. Anquetil, N. Girard, É. Fromont and P. Nerdeux
Combination of explicit segmentation with Seq2Seq recognition for fine analysis of children handwriting,
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 25(4): 339-350 (2022). HAL.
- Kevin Fauvel, Philippe Faverdin, Véronique Masson, Élisa Fromont and Alexandre Termier
XEM: An Explainable-by-Design Ensemble Method for Multivariate Time Series Classification,
Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 36(3): 917-957 (2022).
Samuel Felton, Pascal Brault, Élisa Fromont and Eric Marchand
Visual Servoing in Autoencoder Latent Space,
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7(2): 3234-3241 (2022); Also presented at ICRA 2022.
- Kevin Fauvel, Tao Lin, Véronique Masson, Élisa Fromont and Alexandre Termier
XCM: An Explainable Convolutional Neural Network for Multivariate Time Series Classification,
Mathematics, 9(23), 3137; Dec 2021.
- Guillaume Metzler, Brahim Belkasmi, Xavier Badiche, Elisa Fromont, Amaury Habrard and Marc Sebban
Learning Maximum Excluding Ellipsoids from Imbalanced Data with Theoretical Guarantees,
Pattern Recognition Letter Vol. 112 p 310-316, 2018. PDF.
- Damien Fourure, Rémi Emonet, Elisa Fromont, Damien Muselet, Natalia Neverova, Alain Trémeau, Christian Wolf
Multi-task, Multi-domain Learning: Application to Semantic Segmentation and Pose Regression
Neurocomputing, Vol. 251, 16 August 2017, Pages 68-80.
- F. Cognasse, C. Sut, E. Fromont, S. Laradi, H. Hamzeh-Cognasse and O. Garraud
Platelet soluble CD40-Ligand level is associated with transfusion adverse reactions in a mixed threshold and hit model
Blood 2017 130:1380-1383.
- José Carlos Rangela, Miguel Cazorlaa, Ismael García-Vareab, Jesus Martínez-Gómez, Élisa Fromont and Marc Sebban
Scene classification based on semantic labeling
Advanced Robotics Volume 30, Issue 11-12, 2016
- F. Cognasse, A. Chaker, K. Anh Nguyen, H. Hamzeh-Cognasse, F. Jocelyne, A. Charles-Antoine, E. Marie-Ange, Marc Sebban, E. Fromont, B. Pozzetto, S. Laradi, O. Garraud
Platelet components associated with adverse reactions: predictive value of mitochondrial DNA relative to biological response modifiers
Transfusion, 56(2):497-504, Feb 2016.
- Basura Fernando, Elisa Fromont and Tinne Tuytelaars
Mining Mid-level Features for Image Classification
International Journal of Computer Vision, 108(3): 186-203, 2014.
- Kim Anh Nguyen, Hind Hamzeh-Cognasse, Marc Sebban, Elisa Fromont, Patricia Chavarin, Lena Absi, Bruno Pozzetto, Fabrice Cognasse, Olivier Garraud
A computerized prediction model of hazardous inflammatory platelet transfusion outcomes
PLOS ONE Journal, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097082, May 2014
Adriana Prado, Baptiste Jeudy, Elisa Fromont and Fabien Diot,
Mining Spatiotemporal Patterns in Dynamic Plane Graphs,
Intelligent Data Analysis journal special issue on "Dynamic Networks and Knowledge Discovery", IOS Press, ISSN 1088-467X (Print), 1571-4128 (Online), volume 17(1), pp 71-92, 2013. (NB: accepted in August 2011)
- Basura Fernando, Elisa Fromont, Damien Muselet and Marc Sebban
Supervised Learning of Gaussian Mixture Models for Visual Vocabulary Generation,
Pattern Recognition Journal, Elsevier, 45(2), pages 897-907 (2012).
- Hendrik Blockeel, Toon Calders, Elisa Fromont, Bart Goethals, Adriana Prado and Celine Robardet
An Inductive Database System Based on Virtual Mining Views,
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal, 24(1): 247-287 Springer 2012.
- Siegfried Nijssen
and Elisa Fromont
Optimal Constraint-based Decision Tree Induction from Itemset Lattices,
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, special issue on "Global Modeling Using Local Patterns", Volume 21, 1 (2010), pages 9-51, Springer
- Elisa Fromont, René
Quiniou, Marie-Odile
Learning Rules from Multisource Data for Cardiac Monitoring,
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET),
special issue on "Warehousing and Mining Complex Data: Applications to Biology, Medicine, Behavior Health and Environment",
Inderscience, pp 133-155, Volume 3, Issue 1/2, 2010. DOI: 10.1504/IJBET.2010.029655.
- (In French) Elisa Fromont, Marie-Odile
Cordier, René
Extraction de connaissances provenant de
données multisources pour la caractérisation d'arythmies
RNTI-E-4, Cepaduès Editions, Vol. 7, 2005. (Version étendue de l'article du workshop EGC'04)
International Conferences and Workshops |
- Yasmine Hachani, Patrick Bouthemy, Elisa Fromont, Sylvie Ruffini, Ludivine Laffont, Alline De Paula Reis
Early prediction of the transferability of bovine embryos from videomicroscopy,
ICIP'2024 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp to appear, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2024. HAL.
- Elodie Germani, Elisa Fromont and Camille Maumet
Uncovering communities of pipelines in the task-fMRI analytical space,
ICIP'2024 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp to appear, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2024. HAL.
- Abderaouf Nassim Amalou, Élisa Fromont, Isabelle Puaut
Fast and Accurate Context-Aware Basic Block Timing Prediction using Transformers,
CC 2024 33rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction, pp 227-237, Edinburgh, UK, 2024. HAL.
- Abderaouf Nassim Amalou, Élisa Fromont, Isabelle Puaut
CAWET: Context-Aware Worst-Case Execution Time Estimation Using Transformers,
ECRTS 2023 35th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 7:1-7:20, Vienna, Austria, 2023. HAL.
- Simon Corbillé, Elisa Fromont, Éric Anquetil,
Precise Segmentation for Children Handwriting Analysis by Combining Multiple Deep Models with Online Knowledge,
ICDAR 2023 The 17th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, pp 236-252, San José, California, USA, 2023. HAL.
Samuel Felton, Elisa Fromont and Eric Marchand
Deep metric learning for visual servoing: when pose and image meet in latent space,
ICRA 2023 International Conference on Robotics and Automation, to 741-747, London, UK 2023.PDF.
Camille-Sovanneary Gauthier, Romaric Gaudel and Elisa Fromont
UniRank: Unimodal Bandit Algorithms for Online Ranking,
ICML 2022 The Thirty-ninth International Conference on Machine Learning, pp 7279-7309, Oral presentation, 2022.PDF.
- Abderaouf Nassim Amalou, Élisa Fromont, Isabelle Puaut
CATREEN: Context-Aware Code Timing Estimation with Stacked Recurrent Networks,
ICTAI 2022 International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, pp to appear, Virtual. PDF.
Antonin Voyez, Tristan Allard, Gildas Avoine, Elisa Fromont, Pierre Cauchois and Matthieu Simonin
Membership Inference Attacks on Aggregated Time Series with Linear Programming,
19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pp 193-204, virtual 2022.PDF.
- Heng Zhang, Elisa Fromont, Sébastien Lefèvre, Bruno Avignon
Low Cost Multispectral Scene Analysis with Modality Distillation,
WACV'2022 Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, pp 3331-3340, Waikoloa, HI, USA 2022.
- Heng Zhang, Elisa Fromont, Sébastien Lefèvre, Bruno Avignon
PDF-Distil: Including Prediction Disagreements in Feature-based Knowledge Distillation for Object Detection,
BMVC'2021 The 32nd British Machine Vision Conference, Virtual, 2021.
- Gregory Martin, Matthieu Donain, Elisa Fromont, Laurence Rozé, Alexandre Termier and Tias Guns
Prediction-Based Fleet Relocation for Free Floating Car Sharing Services,
ICTAI'2021 International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, pp 1187-1191, Virtual. PDF.
- Erwan Bourrand, Luis Galarraga, Esther Galbrun, Elisa Fromont and Alexandre Termier
Discovering Useful Compact Sets of Sequential Rules in a Long Sequence,
ICTAI'2021 International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, pp 1295-1299, Virtual. PDF.
- Heng Zhang, Elisa Fromont, Sébastien Lefèvre, Bruno Avignon
Deep active learning from multispectral data through cross-modality prediction inconsistency,
ICIP'2021 The 28th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp 449-453, Anchorage/Virtual, USA, 2021.
Camille-Sovanneary Gauthier, Romaric Gaudel, Elisa Fromont and Boammani Aser Lompo
Parametric Graph for Unimodal Ranking Bandit,
ICML'2021 The Thirty-eighth International Conference on Machine Learning, pp 3630-3639, Virtual, 2021.PDF.
Samuel Felton, Elisa Fromont and Eric Marchand
Siame-se(3): regression in se(3) for end-to-end visual servoing,
ICRA'2021 International Conference on Robotics and Automation, to appear, Xian, China/Virtual, 2021.PDF.
Camille-Sovanneary Gauthier, Romaric Gaudel, Elisa Fromont
Bandit Algorithm for Both Unknown Best Position and Best Item Display on Web Pages,
IDA'2021 International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis. Springer, pp 209-221, Porto/Virtual, 2021.PDF.
- Heng Zhang, Elisa Fromont, Sébastien Lefèvre, Bruno Avignon
Guided Attentive Feature Fusion for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection,
WACV'2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, Virtual 2021 pp 72-80.
- Heng Zhang, Elisa Fromont, Sébastien Lefèvre, Bruno Avignon
Localize to Classify and Classify to Localize: Mutual Guidance in Object Detection,
ACCV'2020 The 15th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Kyoto/Virtual, p104-118, 2020.
- Yichang Wang, Rémi Emonet, Elisa Fromont, Simon Malinowski and Romain Tavenard
Adversarial Regularization for Explainable-by-Design Time Series Classification,
ICTAI'2020 32th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, p1079-1087, Virtual. PDF.
- Simon Corbillé, Elisa Fromont, Éric Anquetil, Pauline Nerdeux
Integrating Writing Dynamics in CNN for Online Children Handwriting Recognitions,
ICFHR'2020 The 17th International Conference on Frontiers of Handwriting Recognition, p270-275, Dortmund/Virtual 2020.
- K. Fauvel, V. Masson, and E. Fromont
A Performance-Explainability Framework to Benchmark Machine Learning Methods: Application to Multivariate Time Series Classifiers,
In Proceedings of the IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), 2020.
- Heng Zhang, Elisa Fromont, Sébastien Lefèvre, Bruno Avignon
Multispectral Fusion For Object Detection With Cyclic Fuse-and-refine Blocks,
ICIP'2020 The 27th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp 276-280, 2020.
- Kevin Fauvel, Véronique Masson, Élisa Fromont, Philippe Faverdin and Alexandre Termier
Towards sustainable dairy management - a machine learning enhanced method for estrus detection,
KDD 2019 (Proceedings of Applied Data Science Track of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining), pp. 3051-3059, Anchorage, Alaska - USA, 2019.
- Kevin Bascol, Rémi Emonet, Elisa Fromont
Improving Domain Adaptation by Source Selection,
ICIP'2019 The 26th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp 3043-3047 Taipei, Taiwan, 2019.
- Kevin Bascol, Rémi Emonet, Guillaume Metzler, Elisa Fromont, Amaury Habrard and Marc Sebban
From Cost-Sensitive Classification to Tight F-measure Bounds,
AISTATS 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Naha, Okinawa, Japan, 2019. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 85, PMLR 89:1245-1253.
- Guillaume Metzler, Brahim Belkasmi, Xavier Badiche, Elisa Fromont, Amaury Habrard and Marc Sebban
Tree-based Cost Sensitive Methods for Fraud Detection in Imbalanced Data,
IDA'2018 International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, p 213-224. Springer,'s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, 2018.
- Kevin Bascol, Rémi Emonet, Elisa Fromont and Raluca Debusschere
Improving Chairlift Security with Deep Learning,
IDA'2017 Sixteenth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis. Springer, pp 1-13, London, 2017.
- Damien Fourure, Rémi Emonet, Elisa Fromont, Damien Muselet, Alain Trémeau, Christian Wolf
Residual Conv-Deconv Grid Network for Semantic Segmentation,
BMVC'2017 British Machine Vision Conference, London, 2017. PDF.
- Romain Deville, Elisa Fromont, Baptiste Jeudy, and Christine Solnon
Mining Frequent Patterns in 2D+t Grid Graphs for Cellular Automata Analysis,
IAPR GBR'2017 workshop on "Graph-Based Representation, Capri (Italy) 2017 PDF.
- Damien Fourure, Rémi Emonet, Elisa Fromont, Damien Muselet, Alain Trémeau, Christian Wolf
Semantic Segmentation via Multi-task, Multi-domain Learning,
S+SSPR'16 Joint IAPR International Workshops on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition and Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, Mérida, Mexico, 2016. PDF.
- Romain Deville, Elisa Fromont, Baptiste Jeudy, and Christine Solnon
GriMa: a Grid Mining Algorithm for Bag-of-Grid-Based Classification,
S+SSPR'16 Joint IAPR International Workshops on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition and Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, Mérida, Mexico, 2016. PDF.
- Kevin Bascol, Rémi Emonet, Elisa Fromont and Jean-Marc Odobez
Unsupervised Interpretable Pattern Discovery in Time Series Using Autoencoders,
S+SSPR'16 Joint IAPR International Workshops on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition and Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, Mérida, Mexico, 2016. PDF.
- Damien Fourure, Rémi Emonet, Elisa Fromont, Damien Muselet, Alain Trémeau, Christian Wolf
Mixed Pooling Neural Networks for Color Constancy,
ICIP'2016 International Conference on Image Processing, Phoenix, Arizona, to appear Sept 2016.PDF.
- José Carlos Rangela, Miguel Cazorlaa, Ismael García-Vareab, Jesus Martínez-Gómez, Élisa Fromont and Marc Sebban
Computing Image Descriptors from Annotations Acquired from External Tools,
Second Iberian Robotics Conference ROBOT (2) 2015: 673-683.
- Imtiaz Masud Ziko, Élisa Fromont, Damien Muselet and Marc Sebban
Supervised spectral subspace clustering for visual dictionary creation in the context of image classification,
ACPR'15 3rd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition pages 356-360, 2015.
- Taygun Kekec, Rémi Emonet, Elisa Fromont, Alain Trémeau, Christian Wolf
Contextually Constrained Deep Networks for Scene Labeling,
BMVC'2014 British Machine Vision Conference, Nottingham, 2014.PDF.
- Hoang Thanh Lam, Wenjie Pei, Adriana Prado, Baptiste Jeudy, and Elisa Fromont
Mining Top-K Largest Tiles in a Data Stream,
ECML/PKDD'14 European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and
Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Springer, LNCS, pp 82-97, Nancy 2014.
- Fabien Diot, Elisa Fromont, Baptiste Jeudy, Emmanuel Marilly and Olivier Martinot
Unsupervised Tracking From Clustered Graph Patterns,
ICPR'14: 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp 3678-3683 (DOI 10.1109/ICPR.2014.632), Stockholm, August 2014.
- Hoang-Tung Tran, Elisa Fromont, François Jacquenet and Baptiste Jeudy
Accurate Visual Features for Automatic Tag Correction in Videos,
IDA'2013 Twelfth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, LNCS 8207, pp. 404-415. Springer, London, 2013.
- Toon Calders, Elisa Fromont, Baptiste Jeudy and Hoang Thanh Lam
Analysis of Videos using Tile Mining,
ECML/PKDD Workshop on Real-World Challenges for Data Stream Mining, Prague, 2013.
- Basura Fernando, Elisa Fromont and Tinne Tuytelaars
Effective Use of Frequent Itemset Mining for Image Classification,
ECCV'12 European Conference on Computer Vision, Springer, LNCS, pp 214-227, Firenze, 2012.
- Fabien Diot, Elisa Fromont, Baptiste Jeudy, Emmanuel Marilly and Olivier Martinot
Graph Mining for Object Tracking in Videos,
ECML/PKDD'12 European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and
Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Springer, LNCS (LNAI 6321), pp 394-409, Bristol 2012.
- Basura Fernando, Elisa Fromont, Damien Muselet and Marc Sebban
Discriminative Feature Fusion for Image Classification,
CVPR'12 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Providence, Rhode Island, USA June 16 - 21, pp 3434-3441, 2012.
- Leonor Becerra Bonache and E. Fromont and A. Habrard, Michaël Perrot, Marc Sebban
Speeding Up Syntactic Learning Using Contextual Information,
JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings
Volume 21: ICGI (Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Grammatical Inference) 2012, September 5-8, pages 49-53 2012, University of Maryland, College Park, United States.
- Basura Fernando, Elisa Fromont, Damien Muselet, Marc Sebban
Accurate Visual Word Construction using a Supervised Approach,
IVCNZ'10 In Proc. of the International Conference of Image and Vision Computing
New Zealand, Queenstown, 8 & 9 November 2010, IEEE
Xplore, pp 1-7, DOI 10.1109/IVCNZ.2010.6148844.
- Cécile Barat, Christophe Ducottet, Elisa Fromont, Anne-Claire Legrand and Marc Sebban
Weighted Symbols-based Edit Distance for String-Structured Image Classification,
ECML/PKDD'10 European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and
Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Springer, LNCS (LNAI 6321), pp
72-86, Barcelona, Spain, 2010. PDF.
- Elisa Fromont, Adriana Prado and Celine Robardet
Constraint-based subspace clustering,
SIAM DM'09 (Proceedings of the 9th SIAM Conference on Data Mining) pp 26-37, Sparks, Nevada, USA, May 2009.
- Hendrik Blockeel, Toon Calders, Elisa Fromont, Bart Goethals, Adriana Prado and Celine Robardet
An Inductive Database Prototype Based on Virtual Mining Views,
KDD'08 Demo tracks (Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and
Data Mining), pp 1061-1064, Las Vegas, USA, August 2008.
- René
Quiniou, Marie-Odile
Cordier, Guy Carrault, François Portet, Elisa Fromont, Lucie
Callens and Philippe Mabo
Intelligent adaptive monitoring for
cardiac surveillance , (acceptance rate : 42%),
(Proceedings of the 5th Prestigious Applications of Intelligent
Systems part of ECAI'08 : 18th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence), pp 653-657, Patras, Grece, 2008
- Hendrik Blockeel, Toon Calders, Elisa Fromont, Bart Goethals and Adriana Prado
Mining Views: Database Views for Data Mining,
Demo tracks (Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data
Engineering), pp 1608-1611, Cancun, Mexico, April 2008.
Hendrik Blockeel, Toon Calders, Elisa Fromont, Bart Goethals and Adriana Prado
Mining Views: Database Views for Data Mining,
CMILE'07 (International Workshop on Contraint-Based Mining and Learning) pp 21-33, Warsaw, Poland, 2007.
- Siegfried Nijssen and
Elisa Fromont
Mining Optimal Decision Trees from Itemset
Lattices, (acceptance rate 19%)
KDD'07 (Proceedings of the
13th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and
Data Mining), pp 530-539, San Jose, USA, August 2007.
Elisa Fromont, Hendrik Blockeel
Integrating decision tree learning into inductive databases,
KDID'06 (5th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases), pp 59-70, Berlin, Germany, Sept 2006.
- Elisa Fromont, René
Quiniou, Marie-Odile
Learning rules from multisource data for cardiac
monitoring, (acceptance rate : 22.3%)
AIME'05 (Proceedings of
the 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine), LNCS p
484-493, Springer.
Aberdeen, Écosse, Juillet 2005. Abstract,
- Elisa Fromont, René
Quiniou, Marie-Odile
Learning from multi source data, (acceptance rate : 17%),
(Proceedings of the 8th Knowledge Discovery in Databases), LNCS p 503-505, Springer.
Pisa, Italy, September 2004.
- Elisa Fromont René
Quiniou, Marie-Odile
Kardio and Calicot: a comparison of two cardiac
arrhythmia classifiers ,
AIME'03 Workshop on Qualitative and
Model-based Reasoning in Biomedicine (of 9th Conference on
Artificial Intelligence in MEdicine). Protaras Cyprus, October 2003. Abstract,
National conferences and workshops |
- Yasmine Hachani, Patrick Bouthemy, Elisa Fromont, Sylvie Ruffini, Ludivine Laffont, Alline De Paula Reis
Prédiction précoce de la transférabilité d'embryons bovins par vidéomicroscopie,
RFIAP'2024 (22nd conference on "Reconnaissance des Formes, Image, Apprentissage et Perception"), Lille, 2024.
Samuel Felton, Elisa Fromont and Eric Marchand
Asservissement visuel dans l'espace latent d'un autoencoder,
RFIAP'2022 (21st conference on "Reconnaissance des Formes, Image, Apprentissage et Perception"), Vannes, 2022.
Camille-Sovanneary Gauthier, Romaric Gaudel, Elisa Fromont
UniRank: un algorithme de bandit générique pour l'ordonnancement en ligne,
CAp'2022 (Conférence d'Apprentissage),Vannes, 2022.
- Gregory Martin, Matthieu Donain, Elisa Fromont, Laurence Rozé, Alexandre Termier and Tias Guns
Optimisation d'une flotte de voitures en autopartage par prédiction de leur utilité,
CNIA'2022 Conférence Nationale en Reconnaissance en Intelligence Artificielle 2022, Saint-Etienne.
Camille-Sovanneary Gauthier, Romaric Gaudel, Elisa Fromont
Ordonnancement d'objets par bandits unimodaux sur des graphes paramétriques,
CAp'2021 (Conférence d'Apprentissage),Saint-Etienne, 2021.PDF.
Antonin Voyez, Tristan Allard, Gildas Avoine, Elisa Fromont, Pierre Cauchois, Matthieu Simonin
Attaque par inférence d’appartenance sur des séries temporelles agrégées en utilisant la programmation par contraintes,
BDA 2021
37ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données – Principes, Technologies et Applications, 2021.PDF.
Camille-Sovanneary Gauthier, Romaric Gaudel, Elisa Fromont
Ordonnancement d'objets par bandits unimodaux sur des graphes paramétriques,
CAp'2021 (Conférence d'Apprentissage),Saint-Etienne, 2021.PDF.
Heng Zhang, Elisa Fromont, Sébastien Lefevre, Bruno Avignon
Méthodes de Fusion de Cartes de Caractéristiques pour la Détection Multispectrale par Réseaux de Neurones Profonds,
RFIAP'2020 (20th conference on "Reconnaissance des Formes, Image, Apprentissage et Perception"), 2020.PDF.
Camille-Sovanneary Gauthier, Romaric Gaudel, Elisa Fromont
Bandits manchots avec échantillonnage de Thompson pour des recommandations basées sur les positions,
CAp'2020 (Conférence d'Apprentissage), 2020.PDF.
Yichang Wang, Rémi Emonet, Elisa Fromont, Simon Malinowski, Etienne Menager, Loïc Mosser, et Romain Tavenard
Classification de séries temporelles basée sur des shapelets interprétables par réseaux de neurones antagonistes,
CAp'2019 (Conférence d'Apprentissage), Toulouse, 2019.PDF.
- Kévin Bascol, Rémi Emonet, Elisa Fromont, Amaury Habrard, Guillaume Metzler, and Marc Sebban
Un algorithme d’optimisation de la F-Mesure par pondération des erreurs de classification,
CAp'2018 (Conférence d'Apprentissage), Rouen, Juin 2018.
- Guillaume Metzler, Brahim Belkasmi, Xavier Badiche, Stéphane Canu, Elisa Fromont, Amaury Habrard and Marc Sebban
Apprentissage de sphères maximales d'exclusion avec garanties théoriques,
CAp'2017 (Conférence d'Apprentissage), Grenoble, Juin 2017.
- Damien Fourure, Rémi Emonet, Elisa Fromont, Alain Trémeau, Christian Wolf
Segmentation de scènes extérieures à partir d’ensembles d’étiquettes à granularité et sémantique variables,
RFP - Conférence Nationale en Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'16), juillet 2016, Clermont-Ferrand.PDF.
- Romain Deville, Elisa Fromont, Baptiste Jeudy, and Christine Solnon
Recherche efficace de motifs fréquents dans des grilles,
CNIA - Conférence Nationale en Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'16), juillet 2016, Clermont-Ferrand.
- Taygun Kekec, Rémi Emonet, Elisa Fromont, Alain Trémeau, Christian Wolf
Prise en Compte du Contexte pour Contraindre les Réseaux Profonds: Application à l'Étiquetage de Scènes,
CAp'2014 (Conférence d'Apprentissage), Saint-Etienne, Juillet 2014.PDF.
- Toon Calders, Elisa Fromont, Baptiste Jeudy, Hoang Thanh Lam, Wenjie Pei and Adriana Prado
Extraction des k plus grandes tuiles dans un flux de données,
CAp'2013 (Conférence d'Apprentissage), Lille, Juillet 2013.PDF.
- Hoang-Tung Tran, Elisa Fromont, Baptiste Jeudy, François Jacquenet and Adrien Martins
Unsupervised Video Tag Correction System,
EGC'2013, pages 461-466, Toulouse, Janvier 2013. PDF.
- Adriana Prado, Baptiste Jeudy, Elisa Fromont and Fabien Diot
PLAGRAM : un algorithme de fouille de graphes plans efficace,
CAp'2011 (Conférence d'Apprentissage), pages 343-359, Chambery, Mai 2011.PDF.
- Elisa Fromont and Siegfried Nijssen
Apprentissage d'arbres de décision optimaux à partir de treillis d'itemsets,
CAp'07 (Conférence d'Apprentissage), pages 141-156, Grenoble, Juillet 2007.PDF.
- Elisa Fromont Marie-Odile
Cordier, René
Apprentissage multisource par programmation logique inductive,
RFIA'06 (Congrès Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle).
Tours, France, Janvier 2006.
- Elisa Fromont and François Portet,
Pilotage d'un système de monitoring cardiaque multisource, (taux d'acceptation : 45.65%),
Actes de conférence de MajecStic'2005 (MAnifestation des JEunes Chercheurs en STIC), pages 346-354.
Rennes, France, Novembre 2005.
- Elisa Fromont Marie-Odile
Cordier, René
Extraction de connaissances provenant de données
multisources pour la caractérisation d'arythmies cardiaques,
EGC'04 Workshop : Fouille de données complexes dans un processus
d'extraction de connaissances.
Clermont-ferrand, France, Janvier
2004. Résumé
- Hendrik Blockeel, Toon Calders, Elisa Fromont, Bart Goethals,Adriana Prado and Celine Robardet,
A Practical Comparative Study of Data Mining Query Languages,
Inductive Databases and Constraint-Based Data Mining book, pp 59-78,
Džeroski, Sašo; Goethals, Bart; Panov, Panče (Eds.), ISBN:
978-1-4419-7737-3, Springer 2010 (©
- Hendrik Blockeel, Toon Calders, Elisa Fromont, Bart Goethals, Adriana Prado and Celine Robardet,
Inductive Querying with Virtual Mining Views,
Inductive Databases and Constraint-Based Data Mining book, pp 265-288,
Džeroski, Sašo; Goethals, Bart; Panov, Panče (Eds.), ISBN:
978-1-4419-7737-3, Springer 2010 (©Springer-Verlag).
- René
Quiniou, Lucie Callens, Guy Carrault, Marie-Odile
Cordier, Elisa Fromont, Philippe Mabo and François Portet
Intelligent adaptive monitoring for cardiac surveillance, Computational Intelligence in Healthcare 4, Advanced Methodologies Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 309, Pages 329-346, ISBN 978-3-642-14463-9, 2010.
- Elisa Fromont, Hendrik Blockeel and Jan Struyf,
Integrating decision tree learning into inductive databases,
Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases. Revised Selected papers of
KDID'06. LNCS 4747 pp 81-96, ISBN: 978-3-540-75548-7, Springer 2007.
- Apprentissage multisource par programmation logique inductive : application à la caractérisation d'arythmies cardiaques.
Thèse soutenue le 7 Décembre 2005 à L'Université de Rennes 1.
- Mine First to See Better: Constraint-based Data Mining for Computer Vision Applications.
Habilitation à diriger les recherches soutenue le 11 Décembre 2015 à l'Université de Saint-Etienne. .
- Heng Zhang, Elisa Fromont, Sébastien Lefèvre, Bruno Avignon,
Deep Learning on Multimodal Data for the Supervision of Sensitive Sites, 17/09/21, Patent number EP21306285.4
Sihem Amer-Yahia, Angela Bonifati, Cécile Favre, Élisa Fromont, Nicolas Labroche, Guy Melançon, Florence Sèdes, Arnaud Soulet, Alexandre Termier:
Diversity and Inclusion Activities in EGC - A 2022 Report. SIGKDD Explor. 24(1): 52-56 (2022)
Tassadit Bouadi, Élisa Fromont, Eyke Hüllermeier:
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XX - 20th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, IDA 2022, Rennes, France, April 20-22, 2022, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13205, Springer 2022, ISBN 978-3-031-01332-4
- Ulf Brefeld, Élisa Fromont, Andreas Hotho, Arno J. Knobbe, Marloes H. Maathuis, Céline Robardet:
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2019, Würzburg, Germany, September 16-20, 2019, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11906, Springer 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-46149-2
- Ulf Brefeld, Élisa Fromont, Andreas Hotho, Arno J. Knobbe, Marloes H. Maathuis, Céline Robardet:
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2019, Würzburg, Germany, September 16-20, 2019, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11907, Springer 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-46146-1
- Ulf Brefeld, Élisa Fromont, Andreas Hotho, Arno J. Knobbe, Marloes H. Maathuis, Céline Robardet:
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2019, Würzburg, Germany, September 16-20, 2019, Proceedings, Part III. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11908, Springer 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-46132-4
Derek Greene, Björn Bringmann, Élisa Fromont, Jesse Davis:
Introduction to the special issue for the ECML PKDD 2018 journal track. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 32(5): 1177-1178 (2018)
Jesse Davis, Björn Bringmann, Élisa Fromont, Derek Greene:
Guest editors introduction to the special issue for the ECML PKDD 2018 journal track. Machine Learning 107(8-10): 1207-1208 (2018)
Bettina Berendt, Björn Bringmann, Élisa Fromont, Gemma C. Garriga, Pauli Miettinen, Nikolaj Tatti, Volker Tresp:
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2016, Riva del Garda, Italy, September 19-23, 2016, Proceedings, Part III. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9853, Springer 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-46130-4
- Élisa Fromont, Bart Goethals:
k-Morik: Mining Patterns to Classify Cartified Images of Katharina. Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks 2016: 377-385
- Élisa Fromont, Tijl De Bie, Matthijs van Leeuwen:
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XIV - 14th International Symposium, IDA 2015, Saint Etienne, France, October 22-24, 2015, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9385, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-24464-8
- Diot, Fabien; Marilly Emmanuel; Fromont, Elisa; Jeudy, Baptiste; Martinot, Olivier,
Method And Device For Automatic Detection And Tracking Of One Or Multiple Objects Of Interest In A Video, 12-APR-2013, Patent number 13305480.9
- M.Bernard and E. Fromont and A. Habrard and Marc Sebban
Handwritten Digit Recognition using Edit Distance-Based KNN,
Workshop on Teaching Machine Learning, Edimbourg, 2012. PDF.
- S. Nijssen and E. Fromont. Mining Optimal Decision Trees from
Itemset Lattices. Technical Report CW476, Department of Computer
Science, KU Leuven, 2007. Document and Abstract