I am a full professor at Université de Rennes France, since 2017 and a Junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) (2019-2024).
I work at IRISA research institute in the INRIA LACODAM ("Large Scale Collaborative Data Mining") team.
From 2008 until 2017, I was associate professor at Université Jean Monnet in Saint-Etienne, France. I worked at the Hubert Curien research institute in the Data Intelligence team.
I received my Research Habilitation (HDR) in December 2015 from the University of Saint-Etienne.
From 2006 until 2008 I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Machine Learning group of the KU Leuven, Belgium.
I received my PhD in December 2005 from Université de Rennes 1.
Research domains :
- Data mining for time series analysis
- Explainable AI (interpretability of data mining/machine learning models and explainable decisions)
- Outdoor scene analysis with deep learning (problems related to the fusion of multimodal data, domain selection, domain adaptation, class imbalance, ...)
Multimodal object detection by Heng Zhang for ATERMES inc. (ICIP 2020 & 2021, WACV2021 & 2022) A re-aligned version of the FLIR dataset can be downloaded from here.
MIVAO system from Bluecime inc. improved by Kevin Bascol (IDA 2018, ICIP 2019)
Results by Damien Fourure on the Cityscape dataset for BMVC 2017 (Gridnet)
- Graph Mining for object tracking in videos (with RAG), celular automata analysis and image classification (with grids)
Some of the results/datasets obtained/used in this project are available HERE.
- Inductive Databases
- Inductive Logic Programming
- PEPR IA AdaptING "Adaptive architectures
for embedded artificial INtelliGence" (2024-2029 0,9M euros): local coordinator
- Training project CMA IA TIARe "Toute l'Intelligence Artificielle à Rennes" (2023-2028 3,2M euros): coordinator
If you want to study AI in Rennes, click here.
- H2020 ICT-48 TAILOR "Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization" (2020-2023): member (within Inria)
- Inria Project Lab (now "Défi Inria") HyAIAI "Hybrid Approaches for Interpretable Artificial Intelligence" (2019-2023, 600keuros): coordinator
- FUI project MIVAO "Montagne Innovante, Vision et Apprentissage par Ordinateur" (2017-2020): member
- ANR project LIVES "Learning with Interacting Views" (2015-2019): member until 2017
- ANR project SoLSTiCe "Similarity of locally structured data in computer vision" (2014-2018): coordinator until 2017 (then member)
- EU FP7 PASCAL2 European Network of Excellence (2008-2013): member
- ANR project SATTIC "Strings and Trees for Thumbnail Images Classification" (2008-2011): member
- ANR project Bingo 2 "Knowledge Discovery For and By Inductive Queries in post-genomic applications" (2008-2011): member
- EU/IST: Project IQ: Inductive Queries for Mining Patterns and Models (2005-2008): member (post-doc)
Student Co-supervisions:
(NB: when a "main supervisor" is indicated, my role is very modest)
- Manuel Nkegoum (PhD, CIFRE Atermès) 2024-? on object detection from few multispectral examples (with Sébastien Lefèvre and Minh-Tan Pham).
- Youwan Mahé (PhD, CIFRE Siemens) 2024-? on multimodal segmentation of chronic stroke lesions (the main supervisor is Francesca Galassi with Elise Bannier and Stéphanie Leplaideur).
- Paul Sevellec (PhD, CIFRE Stellantis) 2023-? on counterfactual explanations over multivariate time series (with Romaric Gaudel and Laurence Rozé).
- Yasmine Hachani (PhD, INRIA-INRAE) 2023-? on Deep learning-based analysis of the early development of bovine embryos from videomicroscopy (with Patrick Bouthemy and Alline de Paula Reis).
- Gaspard Charbel Kindji (PhD, CIFRE Orange) 2023-? on heterogeneous tabular data generation with deep learning (with Tanguy Urvoy and Lina María Rojas Barahona).
- Elodie Germani (PhD, UR1/ANR IA) 2021-2024 on representation learning for more robust FMRI data analysis (with Camille Maumet).
- Abderaouf Nassim Amalou (PhD, UR1/Projects) 2020-2023 on machine learning for timing estimation (with Isabelle Puaut).
- Antonin Voyez (PhD, CIFRE Enedis) 2020-2023 on privacy-preserving power consumption time-series publishing (with Tristan Allard and Gildas Avoine).
- Simon Corbillé (PhD, UR1) 2019-2023 on explainable deep learning-based methods for children handwriting analysis in education (with Eric Anquetil).
- Samuel Felton (PhD, UR1) 2019-2022 on deep learning for end-to-end visual servoing (with Eric Marchand).
- Gregory Martin (PhD, CIFRE PSA) 2019-2022 on data-driven vehicle relocation in free floating carsharing services with combinatorial optimization (with Alexandre Termier and Laurence Rozé).
- Camille-Sovanneary Gauthier (PhD, CIFRE Vuitton) 2019-2022 on bandit-based recommender systems (the main supervisor is Romaric Gaudel).
- Heng Zhang (PhD, CIFRE Atermès) 2018-2021 on multispectral object detection (with Sébastien Lefèvre).
- Yichang Wang (PhD, CSC) 2018-2021 on interpretable time series classification (with Rémi Emonet, Romain Tavenard and Simon Malinowski).
- Erwan Bourrand (PhD, CIFRE Advisor_SLA) 2018-2020 (not finished) on interactive data mining for analysis of performance issues in networks (the main supervisor is Luis Galárraga with Alexandre Termier).
- Kevin Bascol (PhD, CIFRE Bluecime) 2016-2019 on deep learning for danger detection in ski-lift videos (with Rémi Emonet).
- Guillaume Metzler (PhD, CIFRE Blitz) 2016-2019 on fraud detection in highly imbalanced data (with Marc Sebban and Amaury Habrard).
- Romain Deville (PhD, ANR) 2014-2018 on spatiotemporal grid mining for image classification and cellular automata analysis (with Christine Solnon and Baptiste Jeudy).
- Damien Fourure (PhD, UJM), 2014-2017 on semantic scene labeling with deep learning (with Christian Wolf, Rémi Emonet and Alain Tremeau).
- Taygun Kekec (PhD, UJM), 2013-2014 (not finished) on semantic scene labeling with deep learning.
- Fabien Diot (PhD, CIFRE Alcatel-Lucent) 2011-2014 on graph mining for object tracking in videos (with François Jacquenet and Baptiste Jeudy).
- Hoang-Tung Tran (PhD, USTH), 2010-2014 on pattern mining to generate visual features for automatic tag correction in videos (with François Jacquenet and Baptiste Jeudy).
- Post-docs: Carlos Cotrini (2022), Neetu Kushwaha (2020-2021); Kevin Bascol(2020), Emmanuel Roux (2018-2019); Adriana Prado (2010)
- Master 2: Yasmine Hachani (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech 2023); Maïwenn Fleig (University of Düsseldorf, GE 2023); Sarah Ababou (Rennes, M2 IL 2022); Ezanin Christian Bile (Polytechnique 2021), Samuel Felton (INSA 2019), Gregory Martin (INSA 2018), Kevin Bascol (WI 2016), Yimei Liu (WI/TSE 2015), Romain Deville (INSA, 2014), Imtiaz Ziko (CIMET 2014), Shihong Zhang (CIMET 2013), Adrien Martins (WI 2012), Basura Fernando (CIMET 2011), Fabien Diot (WI 2010).
- Master 1: Loane Portier (Master IA 2025), Mansor Gueye (ENSAI 2020), Muaz Twaty (MLDM 2018), Loic Mosser et Etienne Menager (ENS mechatronic, 2018), Devang Kulshreshtha (Indian Institute of Technology, Varanasi 2018), Emin Avci (MLDM, 2016), Dawood Al Chanti (MLDM 2015), Oriel Frigo (CIMET 2012), Michaël Perrot (WI 2012), Basura Fernando (CIMET 2010), Mathias Gybels (WI 2010), Floriant Ballas (WI 2009), Christopher Grand (WI 2009).
Conference Organisations:
- General chair and local organizer of IDA 2022
- Co-Program chair of CAP 2022
- 2020-?: Member of the steering committee of CAp. To reach us, send a mail to cap-orga@inria.fr
- Co-Program chair of CAP 2020
- 2019-2021: Member of the steering committee of ECML PKDD
- Co-General chair of ECML/PKDD 2019 (The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases)
- 2019-?: Member of IDA council
- Co-Journal track chair of ECML/PKDD 2018
- Co-Demo chair of ECML/PKDD 2016
- Co-Program chair and local organizer of IDA 2015
- Co-Proceedings chair of ECML/PKDD 2014
- Poster and Video Chair of IDA 2014
- Co-Local organizer of CAP 2014
- Co-Publicity Chair of ECML/PKDD 2013
- Co-chair of the "Teaching Machine Learning" workshop at ICML 2012
- Co-chair of the workshop "Bases de données inductives", AFIA 2007
Administrative Duties:
- 2023-2026: Elected (college A) at the scientific council of Université de Rennes.
- Member of the academic council (CAC) of the University.
- Member of the HDR Committee of the University.
- 2023-?: Member of the board of GDR RADIA
- 2022-2024: Member of the CSV ("Comité de Sélection et de Validation") of Images & Réseaux (pôle de compétitivité)
- 2022-2023: Member of the IUF board ("Bureau de l'IUF")
- 2021-2024: Head of the D7 Data and Knowledge Management department at IRISA.
- 2021-2023: Nominated at the scientific council of the GDR IA.
- 2020-2023: Elected (college A) at the scientific council of Université de Rennes 1.
- Member of the academic council (CAC) of the University.
- Member of the HDR Committee of the University.
- 2020-2023: Nominated at the board of the Collège Apprentissage Artificiel for AFIA.
- 2019: Member of an Hcéres evaluation committee.
- 2019-2024: Member of the executive board of the CominLabs LABEX for the "Data, IA and Robotics" scientific axis.
- 2019- ?: Elected at the scientific council of the Société Savante Francophone d'Apprentissage Machine.
- 2019-2023: Nominated at the CNRS INS2I ("INstitut des Sciences de l'Information et de leurs Interactions") scientific council (CSI).
- 2018-2023: Nominated at the scientific council of the "Fondation Blaise Pascal" (dedicated to scientific mediation).
- 2018: Member of an ANR (CE 23) evaluation committee.
- 2017-2021: Elected (college A) at IRISA research institute (Rennes) council.
- Dec 2017-Jan 2018: Working group (in Paris) initiated by ALLISTENE about a Research Infrastructure for AI in France.
It was proposed in the "Villani report" under the name GENIAL (Grand Equipement National pour l’Intelligence Artificielle).
- 2016-2017: Chair of the scientific culture for Saint-Etienne University.
- 2013 - 2015: Elected (college C) at the scientific council of Saint-Etienne University.
- 2014 - 2015: Member of the editorial board of Saint-Etienne University publications (PUSE).
- 2010 - 2015: Elected (college B) at Hubert Curien research institute (St-Etienne) council.
PhD and HDR Jurys:
- 2024: Rehan Juhboo, 10/01 Saint-Etienne (reviewer); Léonard Tschora, 17/01 Lyon (committee member, president); Lorenzo Perini 31/01 & 28/03, Leuven, Be (reviewer), Zoubida Ameur, 24/05, Rennes (president); Elodie Germani, Rennes, 16/09 (co-supervisor); Lincen Yang, Leiden, 20/09, NL (reviewer); Reda Marzouk, Nantes; Florent Imbert, Rennes.
(HDR) Rémi Emonet, 05/02, Saint-Etienne; Camille Maumet, 8/02, Rennes; Tristan Allard, 10/04, Rennes.
(Awards): prix de thèse AFIA, prix de thèse SSFAM.
- 2023 (24, 45% local): Antoine Guillaume, 4/01 Orléans (committee member, president); Victor Connes, Nantes 5/01 (committee member, president); William Piat, 06/03 Caen (committee member); Georgios Zervakis, 8/03 Nancy (committee member, president); Corentin Dancette 31/03 Paris (reviewer); Luc Lesoil, 17/04 Rennes (committee member, president); Zed Lee, 21/04 & 24/11 Stockholm, Sweden online(reviewer); Mathieu Chambe, 16/06, Rennes (committee member, president); Simon Corbillé, 28/06, Rennes (co-supervisor); Antonin Voyez, 11/07, Rennes (co-supervisor); Arthur Clavière, 17/07 Toulouse online (committee member); Christophe Genevey Metat, 28/09, Rennes (committee member, president); Nedeljko Radulovic, 29/09, Paris online (committee member); Clément Lalanne, 4/10 Lyon (committee member, president); Julien Ferry, 9/10, Toulouse online (committee member); Victor Epain, 27/11, Rennes (committee member, president); Cyril Li, St-Etienne online, 29/11 (committee member); Etienne Meunier, 4/12, Rennes (committee member, president); Nassim Amalou, 12/12, Rennes (co-supervisor); Thibault Maho, 14/12, Rennes (committee member, president); Benjamin Marais, 18/12, Caen online (committee member); Antonin Deschemps, 19/12 Rennes (committee member); Julien Delaunay, 20/12 Rennes (committee member).
(HDR) Romaric Gaudel, 2/02 Rennes (committee member, president).
- 2022 (19, 26% local): Damien Robissout, 10/02 Saint-Etienne (committee member, president); Luxin Zhang, 7/03/2021 Lille online (committee member, president); Camille-Sovanneary Gauthier, 17/03, Rennes (co-supervisor); Edward Beeching, 3/05 Lyon (reviewer); Xudong Zhang, 11/05 Paris (committee member, president); Rémi Viola, 24/06 Saint-Etienne (reviewer); Farah Cherfaoui, 11/07 Aix-Marseille online(committee member); Baptiste Roziere, 12/07 Paris (committee member); Julia Cohen, 13/07 Lyon online (committee member, president); Gaël Aglin, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium 7/09 (assesor), 19/10 (public defense); Lize Coenen, Leuven, Belgium 16/09 (assesor), 20/10 (public defense); Denis Coquenet, Rouen online 29/09 (committee member); Vincent Lequertier, 30/09 Lyon online (committee member); Rémy Sun, Paris 17/10 online (committee member); Michael Mbouopda, 13/12 Clermont-Ferrand online (committee member); Gregory Martin, 15/12 Rennes (co-supervisor); Samuel Felton, 20/12 Rennes (co-supervisor).
(HDR) Emmanuelle Becker 14/12 Rennes (committee member, president), Laetitia Chapel, 12/05 Vannes (committee member, president).
- 2021 (19, 31% local): Ian Jeantet, 5/01 Rennes (committee member, president); Corentin Lonjarret, 12/01 Lyon (committee member, president); Eduardo Hugo Sanchez, 17/02 Toulouse (committee member, president); Yann-Raphael Lifchitz, 20/04, Rennes (committee member, president); Ahmed Nassar, 21/05 Vannes (committee member, president); Alexandre Araujo, 1/06, Paris (committee member, president); Loïck Bonniot, 10/06, Rennes (committee member, president); Luca Erculiani, 10/06 Trento, Italy (reviewer); Tatiana Makhalova, 23/06 Nancy (committee member); Elies Gherbi, 5/07 Evry (reviewer); Benjamin Lucas, Monash, Australia (reviewer); Guillaume Renton, 08/07 Rouen (committee member); Yichang Wang, 20/09 Rennes (co-surpervisor); Nitika Verma, 20/10 Grenoble (committee member); Vincent Le Guen, 30/11 Paris (committee member); Tanguy Kerdoncuff, 9/12 Saint-Etienne (committee member, president); Grégoire Siekaniec, 10/12 Rennes (committee member, president); Victor Bouvier, 13/12 Paris (committee member); Heng Zhang, 14/12 Rennes (co-surpervisor).
- 2020 (12): Julien Tissier, Saint-Etienne, 4/05 (committee member, president); Quentin Debard, 29/05, Lyon (reviewer); Mickael Chen, Paris 2/07 (committee member, president); Oriane Simeoni, 10/09 Rennes (committee member, president); Yesmina Jaafra, 11/09 Strasbourg (committee member); Arnaud Abreu, 1/10 Strasbourg (reviewer); Lucas Foulon, 16/10, Lyon (committee member, president); Léo Maczyta, 25/11 Rennes (committee member, president); Iba Alqasir, 17/12, Saint-Etienne (committee member); Sara Si-moussi, Montpellier (committee member), 18/12.
(HDR) Gwénolé Lecorvé, 18/11, Lannion (committee member, president); Romain Tavenard, 4/12, Rennes (committee member, president).
- 2019 (10): Kevin Bascol, Saint-Etienne 16/12 (co-supervisor); Ziyu GUO, Marseille 5/11 (committee member); Jordan Frery, Saint-Etienne 26/09 (committee member, president); Guillaume Metzler, Saint-Etienne 25/09 (co-supervisor); Julien Salotti, Lyon 24/09 (reviewer); Xuhong Li, Compiègne (committee member, president) 10/99; Michele Linardi, Paris (committee member) 21/08; Pauline Luc, Grenoble (committee member, president) 25/06, Diogo Luvizon, Cergy (reviewer) 8/04; Zaruhi Alaverdyan, Lyon (committee member, president) 18/01.
- 2018 (10): Jean Ogier, Paris (reviewer) le 20/12; Maxime Chabert, Lyon (committee member, president) 18/12; Wissam Siblini, Nantes (committee member, president) 23/11; Michaël Blot, Paris (committee member, president) 19/11; Nicolas Audebert, Paris (committee member, president) 17/10; Hoang Viet Tuan Nguyen, Annecy (reviewer) 10/10; Soufiane Belharbi, Rouen le 06/07 (reviewer); Romain Deville, Lyon 30/05 (co-supervisor); Bastien Moysset, Lyon, 28/05 (reviewer); Géraud Le Falher, Lille, 16/04 (committee member).
- 2017 (6): Quentin Bateux, Rennes, 12/02 (committee member, president); Ouadie Gharroudi, Lyon, 21/12 (committee member, president); Damien Fourure, Saint-Etienne 12/12 (co-supervisor); Van-Tinh Tran, Lyon, 11/07 (committee member); Pauline Wauquier, Lille, 29/05 (committee member); Maxime Gasse, Lyon 13/01 (committee member).
- 2016 (2): Binod Bhattarai, Caen 16/12 (reviewer); Michaël Perrot, Saint-Etienne 13/12(committee member).
- 2015 (2): Thomas Janssens, Leuven (Belgium) 20/11 (reviewer); Behrooz Omidvar-Tehrani, Grenoble 06/11 (committee member).
- 2014 (3): Hoang-Tung Tran, Saint-Etienne 17/07 (co-supervisor); Fabien Diot, Saint-Etienne 3/06 (co-supervisor); Jean-Philippe Peyrache, Saint-Etienne 11/07 (committee member).
- 2013 (2): Winn Voravuthikunchai, Caen 11/12 (committee member), Amani Boumaiza, Nancy 20/05 (committee member).
- Adriana Prado, Antwerpen (Belgium) 14/12/2009 (committee member).
PhD Committees ("Comité de suivi individuel doctoral" (CSID)): Ewan MOREL-CORLU (Rennes) 14/09/2023; Bruno Michelot (Lyon) 05/09/23; Loïc Eyango (Rennes) 14/06/2024 & 28/03/2023; Irina Proskurina (Lyon) 2/05/2024 & 19/04/23; Ricky Walsh (Rennes) 11/05/23; Malik Kazi Aoual (Paris) 7/11/2023 & 7/11/2022; Paul Estano (Rennes) 9/05/2023 & 2/05/2022; Florent Imbert (Rennes) 5/06/23 & 13/06/2022; Duc Hau (Rennes) 14/06/23 & 21/05/22 & 9/06/2021; Hasnaa Ouadoudi Belabzioui (Rennes) 15/05/23; Célia Wafa AYAD (Paris) 16/09/2022; Michael Franklin MBOUOPDA (Clermont) 16/06/22 & 06/2021; Rita Fermanian & Brandon LeBon (Rennes) 25/05/22 & 29/04/21; Etienne Meunier (Rennes) 31/05/22 & 17/05/2021; Manal HAMZAOUI (Vannes) les 13/06/22 & 2/06/21 & 8/06/20; Soumaya Msaad (Rennes) les 16/06/2020 et 12/06/2019; Luca Veyrin (Lyon) 19/05/21 & 26/05/20; Solène Tarride (Rennes) les 31/05/21 & 14/05/2020; Loïck Bonniot (Rennes) 12/05/2020; Arthur Clavière le 7/06/2021 (Toulouse); Vincent Le Guen (Paris) 09/09/2020 & 30/11/2019; Benjamin Deguerre (Rouen) 06/2020, 11/06/2019; Xavier Rolland (Rennes) les 20/05/2020 & 27/05/2019; Christophe Genevey-Metat (Rennes) les 12/05/2020 & 3/06/2019; Victor Connes (Nantes) les 7/06/19 & 28/05/20; Raphael Gauthier (Rennes) 12/09/2019 & 10/07/2018; Ian Jantet (Rennes) les 18/05/2019 & 5/07/2018, Titouan Vayer (Vannes) les 13/06/2019, 11/06/2018; Julien Tissier, Jordan Fréry, Carlos Arango, Dennis Diefenbach (Saint-Etienne) 12/07/2017, Jean-Jacques Ponciano (Saint-Etienne) 17/05 2017, Tuan Nguyen (Annecy) 21/06/2017, Maxime CHABERT (Lyon) les 11/04/2017 et 2/06/2017, 29/05/2018, Mohamed Ali Hammal (Lyon) 30/04/2017 et 30/05/2018, Yann Dauxais (Rennes) le 21/10/2016, Jérémie Sublime (Paris) les 14/11/2014 et 20/10/2015.
Recruitment committees:
- 2024: Lannion MCF-MCF (présidente), INSA Rennes MCF, INSA Lyon PR.
- 2023: Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Germany), Lannion MCF-MCF1166 (presidente), INSA Rennes MCF, CPJ IA U-Rennes, Repyramidage Université de Rennes 2.
- 2022: Saint-Etienne PU27&61-4369, INSA Rennes PU27-4078, Rennes MCF27-1575 (no meeting), Nantes PU27-0128, TelecomParis MdC27&61 (interviews only), CentraleSupelec 27CPJ (interviews only), Paris13 Repyramidage (reviews only), Rennes Repyramidage (interviews only).
- 2021: Orléans MCF27-4452, Paris UTOPIA, Nantes PU27-4641, Leuven (Belgium) campus Bruges.
- 2020: Paris Nord PU27-4337, Nantes MC27-4592, KULeuven (Belgium) De Nayer Campus, MI_INRIA.
- 2019: INRIA Lille (concours CR, présidente).
- 2018: Paris Sud PU27-0122, Lille MCF27, Saint-Etienne MCF-27-511.
- 2017: Lille*2 MC27-4266&4267, LyonINSA MC27-4182.
- 2016: Lille MCF27-4225, Lyon MCF27-4158, Paris MCF27-0838(4337), Saint-Etienne ECC-TSE.
- 2015: Lille MCF27-4181, Lille MCF27-4182, Paris MCF27-1394(4286), Caen 27MCF1409 IUT.
- 2014: Rennes MCF27-1071, Saint-Etienne MCF27-4113, Saint-Etienne ATER.
- 2013: Caen MCF27-0822, Lyon MCF27-4068, Saint-Etienne MCF27-4077.
- 2012: Lille MCF27-088, Saint-Etienne MCF27-0391, Lyon MCF27-8011.
- 2021-2023 Co-Specialty Chief Editor (with Andrea Passerini) of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence specialty Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence .
- 2020-2022 Guest editor of the Mathematics journal for a special issue on Time Series Analysis.
- 2020-2022 Member of the Editorial Board of Data Mining journal (DMKD).
- Member of the Guest Editorial Board for the ECMLPKDD special issue of Machine Learning Journal (MLJ) and
Data Mining Journals (DMKD) (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017).
Guest editor (of the two journals) in 2018.
- Area chair of ECAI ("European Conference on Artificial Intelligence") 2024.
- Senior PC of ECMLPKDD ("European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases") '24, '23, '22, '21 and 2020.
PC member of ECMLPKDD '18, '17, '16, '15, '14, '13, '12, '11, '10, '09, '08.
- PC member of KDD ("ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining") '24, '23, '22, '21, '20, '19, '16 & '15.
- Senior PC of IDA ("Intelligent Data Analysis") in 2024, '23, '22, '20, '18.
PC member of IDA '21, '17,'16,'14 '13,'12,'10.
- PC member of IJCAI '24, '23, '22 & '16 ("International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence") & IJCAI 2013 (senior reviewer)
- PC member of WACV (IEEE’s and the PAMI-TC’s "Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision") 2021, 2022
- PC member of AAAI ("AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence") 2021, 2020
- Reviews for BMVC ("The British Machine Vision Conference") 2020, 2021
- reviews for ICAE journal ("Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering") 2019, 2020
- PC member of NIPS ("Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems") 2016
- PC member of CVPR ("IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.") 2015
- PC member of ICDM 2014 ("IEEE International Conference on Data Mining")
- reviews for TIP ("IEEE Transactions on Image Processing") (2014 et 2016)
- reviews for TMM ("IEEE Transactions on Multimedia") (2014)
- PC member of ICDE 2013 ("IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering")
- regular reviews for PAAA (" Pattern Analysis and Applications Journal ") (2011 et 2012)
- regular reviews for TKDE ("IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering")
- regular reviews for DKE ("Data & Knowledge Engineering")
- regular reviews for KAIS ("Knowledge and Information Systems")
- PC member of ICPRAM '11, '12 ("International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods").
- PC member of ASONAM '10 et '12 ("International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining")
- PC member of LML Workshop 2013 ("Languages for Data Mining and Machine Learning")
- PC member of SIAM DM '09, 10 ("SIAM International Conference on Data Mining")