Machine Learning Project (~ 4h in class with the teacher + ~10h on your own)
Digit/Character recognition

The goal of this project is to be able to automatically recognize digits and/or letters drawn manually with different machine learning algorithms. You will work on data acquisition and data storage, the implementation and comparison of different machine learning algorithms (Naive Bayes, KNN, Decision Trees (or Random Forests), Neural Networks), the evaluation of the parameters (e.g. the weights of the edit distance and the number of nearest neighbors for KNN, etc.) and of the system (cross validation, test set, etc.). A nice Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a plus to be able to give a live demo of the system at the end of the project. You can choose any programming language.

Example of a GUI. Recognition of the digit 7.

Data Collection

You have to create your own dataset and a structure to store the data.
You may decide to create a real database system (using for example PostgreSQL) and store the images which contain a digit. With this, you can use and compare multiple representations of the image.
You may also decide to store only the Freeman code as textual information or as XML files as shown in Fig3.
Whatever the structure, you will find out early in your experimental process that more than one person should populate the dataset with some digits to make sure that the instances of each class are diverse enough (in term of writing style) to have a sufficiently good classification accuracy.
If you focus only on digits (and not also on letters), you may also re use the dataset Digits from the UCI repository that you have already used in your Scikit-learn practical session but this should come as a complement for your own home-made dataset.

Ideas for Data Representation (when necessary): Freeman code

There are multiple ways to encode a digit/character drawn on a screen for further processing. One of them consists in saving the digit and the frame in which it has been drawn as an image. From this image, a successful string representation has been proposed by Freeman1 to encode the digit.
To compute the Freeman code of an image, one needs to move along a digital curve or a sequence of border pixels based on eight-connectivities. The direction of each movement is encoded by using a numbering scheme {i,i = 0,1,..,7} denoting an angle of 45*i (counter-clockwise) from the positive y-axis. The chain codes can be viewed as a connected sequence of straight-line segments with specified lengths and directions as showed in Figure 1.
You may first need to compute the pixel hull (edges) of each drawn digit. Then, to create the code, you can start by the top left corner of your image and scan each pixel from left to right and top to bottom until you find a pixel which is not white. Then you follow the hull to create the code until you are back to your starting point. You can find here the pseudo code of the algorithm and here the corresponding Python code.

Naive Bayes

The Naive Bayes classifier has been studied during the lectures. It will give you, your baseline results. You are expected to implement it from scratch yourself (this will help you understand precisely how it works). You may want to use it directly on the pixels of the images (as seen in class) or on the Freeman representation of your digits. You may also come up with different representations that are more appropriate.

KNN algorithm

Algorithm 1 recalls how to classify an unknown example x using a dataset S with the KNN algorithm. This algorithm has also been seen during the lecture. You are expected to implement it from scratch yourself to understand the need for a good data representation a good distance and an efficient data structure.

A useful distance for KNN on strings: Edit distance

Many difference distances can be used to compare two Freeman codes in the database. You may want to test the performance of your KNN algorithm using distances such as a L1, L2 or a Mahalanobis distance on other types of image representation (quad tree, 0-1 pixel matrix, interest point detectors,...). However, the most natural distance between strings is probably the edit distance.

Rather than counting the number of edit operations, one can assign an edit cost to each edit operation and search for the less costly transformation:

The edit distance between two strings, given the cost for each edit operations, can be computed efficiently using the following dynamic programming algorithm. You can find examples of how this is computed here.

Optimization of the KNN

To be able to identify the digit online (with a real time constraint), you may have to optimize your original algorithm (e.g. by reducing the size of the database to reduce the computations). Two algorithms are proposed to speed up the classification process: one (see Algo. 2) which removes from the original dataset S the outliers and the examples located in the Bayesian error region, smoothing the decision boundaries, and one (see Algo. 3 and 3) which deletes the irrelevant examples (e.g. the centers of the homogeneous clusters). Another optimization can be made to speed up the original algorithm by speeding up the search for the nearest neighbor using the triangle inequality property of the distance function (see 2 for more details on the techniques).

Decision Trees

The Decision Tree classifier (or the random forest ensemble) has been studied during the lecture. You may use the Scikit-learn implementation of these classifiers. They are probably not ideal to tackle the digit recognition problem. Explain why and provide, if possible, some possible solutions.

Neural Network

For this part, if you only target digits, you may reuse directly the networks that have been implemented in KERAS or directly with Scikit-learn during your practical sessions. If this is the case, be critical about this network (why this structure ? how would you improve the classification performance ?). You may also want to reuse a pre-trained model on your own (possibly small) dataset.

Evaluation of the algorithms and preparation of the project presentation

For the KNN algorithm, if you have implemented the dataset reduction techniques, it is important to evaluate the loss of accuracy. If you use the edit distance, you can start by giving an equal weight to each of the three edit operations but you can also increase the weights of the insertion and deletion operations compared to the substitution ones. A better idea is to weight the substitution differently for each possible code. Indeed, it must seem easier to change a Freeman code 1 into a code 2 (because it is a small angle) than to change a Freeman code 1 into a code 4 (4 is a good reference to find the weights of the edit operations for this problem).


Please send by mail, one day before the presentation, a 1 page (recto-verso) report explaining what you have actually done and the comparison of the results for the different methods. This is how you will be graded:
1. [Freeman, Herbert. On the encoding of arbitrary geometric configurations. IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers, EC-10(2):260–268, June 1961.]*
2. [Vidal, Enrique. New formulation and improvements of the nearest-neighbour approximating and eliminating search algorithm (aesa). Pattern Recognition Letters, 15(1):1–7, 1994.]*
2. [P. E. Hart, The Condensed Nearest Neighbor Rule. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 18 (1968) 515–516. doi: 10.1109/TIT.1968.1054155]*
2. [Rico-Juan, Juan Ramon and Mico, Luisa. Comparison of aesa and laesa search algorithms using string and tree-edit-distances. Pattern Recogn. Lett., 24(9-10):1417–1426, June 2003. ISSN 0167-8655.]*