Course materials for ESIR3 students


This course provides an introduction to Systems Engineering.

Professor: Benoit Combemale and Johann Bourcier


This course provides an introduction to DevOps principles, tools and methods.


Professor: Benoit Combemale and Paul Temple

Date Lecture Material Comment
Oct. 10, 2022 Introduction to DevOps slides on campus


Professor: Paul Temple and TBA.


Further material


This course provides advanced insights on automated software engineering, incl. software language engineering, domain-specific languages, software product lines, generative appraoches, etc.


Professor: Benoit Combemale

Date Lecture Material Comment
Nov. 14th, 2022 Introduction to MDE and SLE slides on campus
Nov. 14th, 2022 Introduction to DSL slides on campus
Nov. 16th, 2022 Introduction to DSL, cond. on campus
Nov. 16th, 2022 Program and model transformation slides on campus
TBA. Program and model execution slides on campus


Professors: Benoit Combemale and Gwendal Jouneaux

The labs will consist in implementing individually the proposed tutorial. The tentative timeline is the following:

  • [Part 1] Ecore ~3h
  • [Part 2] Xtext ~3h
  • [Part 3] Compilation ~3h
  • [Part 3] Interpretation ~3h

You must continuously demonstrate your progresses to your professor that will lead to a mark for your labs.


Date Lecture Material Comment
TBA. final exam n/a on campus

Further material

Benoit Combemale
Benoit Combemale
Full Professor of Software Engineering

Agility and safety for wild software