- Expériences et défis scientifiques des jumeaux numériques. Invited talk at Aristote (21/09/23)).
- Towards Enterprise Digital Twins. Keynote at the international workshop on AI-native Adaptive Enterprise (KAAE).
- Towards Enterprise Digital Twins. Keynote at ME'22, CA.
- Towards Enterprise Digital Twins. Keynote at the international workshop on AI-native Adaptive Enterprise (KAAE).
- Towards Smart Modeling (Environments). Invited talk at the Virtual Meetup of Strumenta Community (25/11/21).
- Bringing Intelligence to Smart Cyber-Physical Systems. Invited talk at Inria (19/10/21) and GDR GPL (02/12/21).
- Smart Modeling: On the Convergence of Scientific and Engineering Models. Invited talk at Lancaster university, UK (14/11/19).
- Bringing Intelligence to Sociotechnical IoT Systems: Modeling Opportunities and Challenges. Keynote at MDE4IoT’19, DE (15/09/19).
- Breathe Life Into Your IDE. Talk at LangDev’19, NL (22/03/19).
- Model Execution: Past, Present and Future. Keynote at EXE'18, DK (14/10/18).
- Modeling For Sustainability - Or How to Make Smart CPS Smarter?. Keynote at Models@run.time'18, DK (14/10/18), and invited talk at TU Wien, AT (15/05/18)
- Execution Framework of the GEMOC Studio. Talk at LangDev'18, NL (08/03/18).
- Model Simulation, Graphical Animation, and Omniscient Debugging with Sirius Animator. Invited talk at SiriusCon'17, FR (09/11/17).
- Modeling For Sustainability - Or How to Make Smart CPS Smarter?. Invited talk at CWI, NL (03/11/17).
- Sound, yet Flexible, Modeling: A Language Engineering Point Of View. Keynote at FlexMDE'17, US (18/09/17).
- Towards Language-Oriented Modeling. Invited talk at UQAM, CA (03/05/17).
- From Model (driven) Engineering, to Language (driven) Engineering. Invited talk at CEA-DAM (12/01/17).
- Modeling for Sustainability. Invited talk at Lancaster University (05/12/16).
- Dynamic Validation & Verification in Language-Oriented Modeling. Keynote at MoDeVVA 2016 (03/10/16).
- Towards Language-Oriented Modeling. Invited talk at RWTH Aachen University (11/07/16).
- Modeling for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems. Talk at CPS days (26/01/16).
- A Journey Through MDE, DSL and SLE. Talk at JDEV 2015 (02/07/15). (video in French)
- Breathe Life into Your Designer! Talk at EclipseCon France 2015 (25/06/15).
- Modeling for Sustainability. Invited talk at INRA (19/06/15).
- On the Globalization of Modeling Languages. Invited talk at IRT Saint Exupery (08/06/15).
- From Model (driven) Engineering, to Language (driven) Engineering. Invited talk at McGill (17/04/15).
- From Model (driven) Engineering, to Language (driven) Engineering. Invited talk at University of Namur (16/12/14).
- The Role of (Software) Languages in the Socio-Technical Coordination. Invited talk at the 2nd Workshop on TowArds the Model DrIveN Organization (AMINO 2014).
- MDE and SLE: From Theory to Practice. Invited talk at the MDE Day of DevLog (27/10/14).
- Modeling, Composition and Simulation of Heterogeneous Models. Invited talk at the MDE Day of DevLog (18/10/13).
- On the Globalization of Modeling Languages. Invited keynote at Neptune 2013 (22/05/13).
- On Modeling and Testing When Unpredictability Becomes a Pattern. Keynote keynote at CIEL 2013 (02/04/13).
- On the Globalization of Modeling Languages. Colorado State University, USA (20/02/13).
- On Language Composability. Workshops AOM at Bellairs (09/02/13).
- Model-Driven Engineering for Software Language Engineering. Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy (16/01/13).
- Formally Defining and Iterating Infinite Models. 68NQRT Seminar at IRISA/Inria Rennes, France (25/10/12).
- Model Driven Engineering for Software Language Engineering. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil (12/07/12).
- Mashup of Meta-Languages: Building Modular and Efficient DSML. Workshops AOM and CAMPaM at Bellairs (30/04/12).
- Executable Metamodeling for Model V&V. Kings College London (10/06/11).
- Hyper-Agility: A Model-Driven Software Agility from Design-Time to Run-Time. Agile Tour Rennes 2010 (07/10/10).
- Executable Metamodeling for Model V&V. Colorado State University, USA (25/05/10).
- A Formal Metamodeling Approach. Application to Model V&V. LAAS CNRS (Toulouse, 13/02/09), LISI (Poitiers, 26/03/09), and LIP6 (Paris, 05/05/09).
- A Formal Metamodeling Approach. Application to Model V&V and Autonomous Systems. Inria Rennes ( 21/01/09) and Inria Lille (13/03/09).
- Metamodeling Approach for Model Simulation. CEA-List at Saclay (19/09/08).
- Model Verification and Simulation using Model Transformation. MDE Training at EMN (18/06/08).
- Execution Semantics & MDE, Application to the Process Engineering. INRIA, ATLAS team (03/01/07).
- A Framework to Formalise the MDE Foundations. IRIT Seminar (06/06/07).
- SPEM 1.1 vs. SPEM 2.0. Topcased Seminar (19/06/06).