Since October 2016, I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Myriads team at the Inria Rennes Bretagne - Atlantique laboratory (France). I am working with Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Fanny Dufossé and Martin Quinson on the COSMIC project which is an Inria exploratory action on Coordinated Optimization of Smart Grids and Clouds.
Formerly, I did my PhD under the supervision of Vincent Chevrier and Christine Bourjot in the MAIA team at the LORIA laboratory (Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France). The subject was : "Environnement multi-agent pour la multi-modélisation et simulation des systèmes complexes" (i.e. "a Multi-agent Environment for the multi-modeling and the simulation of complex systems"). I defended on November 27, 2015.
During my PhD, I developed the co-simulation middleware MECSYCO (Multi-agent Environment for Complex SYstems CO-simulations) dedicated to the DEVS wrapping of domain-specific simulation tools.