I defended my PhD thesis concerning "Efficient Cloud Application Deployment in Distributed Fog Infrastructures" under the supervison of Prof. Guillaume Pierre. The thesis was carried out with MYRIADS team of IRISA. I used container tools like Docker, Kubernetes, LXC etc. to deploy fog/edge applications in the MEC Testbed. The thesis was started in October 2016 and completed by January 2020, and the work was funded by Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France (MESR PhD contract). Apart from doing research, I also involved in teaching activities(Teaching Mission) in ISTIC department of University of Rennes 1.
My research goal is to provide cloud services efficently, reliably with high QoS to the clients which are using resource constrained devices such as smart phones. My PhD thesis extends this goal to efficently deliver cloud services in resource-constrained fog nodes such as single-board Raspberry PIs. In particular, the thesis focuses on deploying cloud applications as quick as possible so that clients can immediately enjoy the services. Our proposed designs are heavily based on experimental analysis of the problem with cloud tools such as LXC, Docker and Kubernetes in fog environments. The thesis has numerious outcomes and works have been published in Internal journals and conferences also produced tools such as Docker-pi.
Docker Container Deployment in Distributed Fog Infrastructures with Checkpoint/Restart • Accepted in IEEE Mobile Cloud (2020).
Docker Image Sharing in Distributed Fog Infrastructures • Published in IEEE CloudCom (2019).
Fog Computing Applications: Taxonomy and Requirements • Published in Archieved (2019).
Docker-pi: Docker Container Deployment in Fog Computing Infrastructures •
Published in Inderscience Journal of Cloud Computing (2019)
Docker Container Deployment in Fog Computing Infrastructures • Published in IEEE EDGE (2018)
Efficient Container Deployment in Edge Computing Platforms • Published in RESCOM (2017)