Test Signatures

Description of the signatures

  • Sky-Signature
  • Signature (only works with Pattern Growth)

(waiting time: 10s)
Dataset representation

Usage instructions

To make run the algorithm, the main steps are the following:

  1. (optional) select an example dataset. This step is optional but illustrate the format of the data and enable to make quick experiments.
  2. create/complete/modify your dataset (in the described JSON format). You can modify the dataset as you want and thus test our Signature and Sky-Signature algorithms with some particular cases.
  3. set up the algorithm defining its parameters
    • For Signature
      • Choose the number of segments in the resulting signature
      • Make sure the method is set to Pattern Growth
    • For Sky-Signature
      • Choose the desired method. The fastest method should be hybrid, but all methods have low runtime on small datasets.
      • The number of segments is not taken into account.
  4. run the algorithm. As the computation can take some time, depending on the dataset size, you might have to click on Load Results more than one time (but clicking the button over and over will not make the computation faster)
  5. patterns are outputed in a (expected interpretable) textual format