Older versions

Version 1.6

Binary packages (no longer supported) --  Including binary versions of , the AVISPA Tools, plus documentation

Source package ( only) distributed under LGPL

See the documentation for more information about SPAN and the README.txt file for details about installation and (if necessary) compilation.

Version 1.5 – September 25, 2008. (See README.txt for changes)

Binary packages ( + AVISPA) --  Including binary versions of , the AVISPA Tools, plus documentation

Source package ( only) distributed under LGPL

Version 1.4 – May 28, 2008.

(See README.txt for changes)

Source package ( only) distributed under LGPL

(Source, SPAN 1.4): span-1.4-source.tar.gz

Binary packages ( + AVISPA) --  Including , binary versions of AVISPA Tools, and documentation

(Windows, SPAN v1.4): For the windows version, first install Tcl/Tk 8.3 that can be obtained here, then you can download span-1.4-windows.exe
(Linux, SPAN v1.4): span-1.4-linux.tar.gz
(Mac OS + intel, SPAN v1.4): span-1.4-macos-intel.tar.gz

Version 1.3 – March 17, 2008.

(See README.txt for changes)

Source package ( only)

(Source, SPAN 1.3): span-1.3-source.tar.gz

Binary packages including , binary versions of AVISPA Tools, and documentation

(Windows, SPAN v1.3): For the windows version, first install Tcl/Tk 8.3 that can be obtained here, then you can download span-1.3-windows.exe
(Linux, SPAN v1.3): span-1.3-linux.tar.gz
(Mac OS + intel, SPAN v1.3): span-1.3-macos-intel.tar.gz

Version 1.2 – January 15, 2008.

(See README.txt for changes)

Source package ( only)

span-1.2-source.tar.gz (Source, SPAN 1.2)

Binary packages including , binary versions of AVISPA Tools, and documentation

span-1.2-windows.exe (Windows, SPAN v1.2) you will also need Tcl/Tk 8.3 for windows that can be obtained here.
(Linux, SPAN v1.2)
span-1.2-macos-intel.tar.gz (Mac OS + intel, SPAN v1.2)

Version 1.1 – March 1, 2007.

(See README.txt for changes)

Source package ( only)

span-1.1-source.tar.gz (Source, SPAN 1.1)

Binary packages ( and binary versions of AVISPA Tools))

Documentation is included in Windows, Linux, MacOS packages.

span-1.1-windows.exe (Windows, SPAN v1.1) you will also need Tcl/Tk 8.3 for windows that can be obtained here.
span-1.1-linux.tar.gz (Linux, SPAN v1.1)
span-1.1-macos-ppc.tar.gz (Mac OS + ppc, SPAN v1.1)
span-1.1-macos-intel.tar.gz (Mac OS + intel, SPAN v1.1)

Version 1.0 – November 27, 2006

Source package ( only)

span-1.0-source.tar.gz (Source, SPAN 1.0)

Binary packages ( and binary versions of AVISPA Tools))

Documentation is included in Windows, Linux, MacOS packages.

span-1.0-windows.exe (Windows, SPAN v1.0) you will also need Tcl/Tk 8.3 for windows that can be obtained here.
span-1.0-linux.tar.gz (Linux, SPAN v1.0)
span-1.0-macos-ppc.tar.gz (Mac OS + ppc, SPAN v1.0)
span-1.0-macos-intel.tar.gz (Mac OS + intel, SPAN v1.0)