La preuve de protocoles cryptographiques

Hubert Comon-Lundh and Stéphanie Delaune. La preuve de protocoles cryptographiques. In Gildas Avoine and Marc-Olivier Killijian, editors, 13 défis de la cybersécurité, pp. 175–189, CNRS éditions, June 2020.






  author =        {Comon-Lundh, Hubert and Delaune, St{\'e}phanie},
  booktitle =     {13 d{\'e}fis de la cybers{\'e}curit{\'e}},
  editor =        {Avoine, Gildas and Killijian, Marc-Olivier},
  month =         jun,
  pages =         {175-189},
  publisher =     {CNRS {\'e}ditions},
  title =         {La preuve de protocoles cryptographiques},
  year =          {2020},
  nmonth =        {6},