A decision procedure for proving observational equivalence

Vincent Cheval, Hubert Comon-Lundh, and Stéphanie Delaune. A decision procedure for proving observational equivalence. In Preliminary Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Security Issues in Coordination Models, Languages and Systems (SecCo'09), Bologna, Italy, October 2009.






  address =       {Bologna, Italy},
  author =        {Cheval, Vincent and Comon{-}Lundh, Hubert and
                   Delaune, St{\'e}phanie},
  booktitle =     {{P}reliminary {P}roceedings of the 7th
                   {I}nternational {W}orkshop on {S}ecurity {I}ssues in
                   {C}oordination {M}odels, {L}anguages and {S}ystems
  editor =        {Boreale, Michele and Kremer, Steve},
  month =         oct,
  title =         {A~decision procedure for proving observational
  year =          {2009},
  acronym =       {{SecCo}'09},
  nmonth =        {10},
  lsv-category =  {autc},
  wwwpublic =     {public and ccsb},