Nicolas Estibals


Who am I?

My photo

I am a researcher interrested in different fields of computer science: computer arithmetic, hardware design and cryptography. More specifically, I study primitives for asymetric cryptogaphy and design hardware accelerator computing them.

I am now working as a teacher assistant at ENSSAT, Université de Rennes 1 and I perform my researches in the CAIRN project-team, IRISA.

Before that, I was a teaching assistant at the ÉNS de Lyon with the AriC team. I did my PhD in the CARAMEL project-team at the LORIA laboratory. My studies about hardware implementation of pairing-based cryptography were advised by Jérémie Detrey and Pierrick Gaudry.

More details my be found in my CV.

How to contact me

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Complete bibliography

The complete bibliography is aviable as a bibtex file.

International journals with review committees

International conferences with review committees and proceedings

Research and technical reports – Unpublished articles

PhD thesis

Master thesis and reports



ENSSAT (2013-14)

I gave various courses in computer science and electronics at ENSSAT during the year 2013-14.

Algorithms for distribued systems (IMR2)

Students had a project were they had to study and implement the Housni-Tréhel algorithm using Java RMI.

Algorithms and C language (first year)

I assisted François Goasdoué for his introctucdory course about algorithmic and C programming.

Unix (first year)

I assisted Gwénolé Lecorvé in an introdution to unix shell programming.

Real-time programming (EII2)

Second year students in electronics had to study the systems involved in a factory producing concrete and then modelize a real-time system controlling it. They realize then an implemetation of it using the VxWorks system.

Architecture of microprocessors (IMR1)

I assisted Hélène Dubois in a course dedicated to the discover of principles of computer architecture: from instructions set to processor design.

ENS Lyon (2012-13)

Architecture, Systems, Network (L3)


Numerical mathematics ESIAL 1A (2009-10)

I assisted Bruno Pinçon for his course about numerical mathematics. We teach floating point arithmetic, polynomial interpolation and more generally numerical-linear-algebra methods.

Mathematics applied to computer science, ESIAL 1A (2009-10)

I teach in the second part of a course of mathematics applied to computer science for first-year student in ESIAL engineer school under the direction of Francis Alexandre. In this course, we present some of basic theoric tools of computer science, namely: induction, TODO

TD Shell, ESIAL 1A (2009-10)

This course aims to give the basis about UNIX environement and Shell programming.

Mathematics applied to computer science, ESIAL 1A (2009-10)

I teach in the second part of a course of mathematics applied to computer science for first-year student in ESIAL engineer school under the direction of Francis Alexandre. The aim of course was to give of some of the theoretical tools of computer science including: proposition calculus, first-order logic and syntax analysis.

Maple in PT french "classe prépa" (2008-09)

You may download here the exercise sheet I gave for a courses about Maple in second year of french "classe prépa" in 2008-09. Please apologize me: the exercise sheets are in french.

Maple in PTSI french "classe prépa" (2008-09)

You may download here the exercise sheet I gave for a courses about Maple in first year of french "classe prépa" in 2008-09. Please apologize me: the exercise sheets are in french.