The IRIS Network of Excellence: Integrating Research in Interactive Storytelling

Marc Cavazza, Stephane Donikian, Marc Christie, Ulrike Spierling, Nicolas Szilas, Peter Vorderer, Tilo Hartmann, Elisabeth Andre, Christoph Klimmt, Ronan Champagnat, Paolo Petta, Patrick Olivier
Proceedings of the 1st Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling - 2008

BibTex references

  author       = "Cavazza, Marc and Donikian, Stephane and Christie, Marc and Spierling, Ulrike and Szilas, Nicolas and Vorderer, Peter and Hartmann, Tilo and Andre, Elisabeth and Klimmt, Christoph and Champagnat, Ronan and Petta, Paolo and Olivier, Patrick",
  title        = "The IRIS Network of Excellence: Integrating Research in Interactive Storytelling",
  booktitle    = "Proceedings of the 1st Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling",
  series       = "LNCS",
  year         = "2008",
  publisher    = "Springer",
  url          = "http://localhost/Publications/2008/CDCSSVHAKCPO08"