picture of francois goasdoue

François Goasdoué

Full Professor of Computer Science at Univ. Rennes.

Head of the Lannion branch of the IRISA lab.
Head of the SHAMAN team at IRISA.

Phone: +33 / Email: fg (at) irisa (dot) fr
Mail: ENSSAT-IRISA, 6 rue de Kerampont, CS 80518, 22305 Lannion Cedex, France

My credo is automated reasoning for data & knowledge base management.



Full list, DBLP, Google Scholar, HAL

Participations to International Program Committees

PhD Students (current and past)

  1. Wafaa El Husseini, co-advised with Hélène Jaudoin. Graduated in 2023, then a Teaching and Research Assistant at Univ. Rennes in France. now an R&D project leader at Astek in France.
  2. Yamen Haddad, co-advised with Angelos Christos Anadiotis and Ioana Manolescu. Moved to the industry, now with Yugabyte in Canada.
  3. Maxime Buron, co-advised with Ioana Manolescu and Marie-Laure Mugnier. Graduated in 2020, then a postdoc at U. Oxford in UK, then a postdoc at Univ. Montpellier in France, now an Associate Professor at Univ Clermont-Auvergne in France.
  4. Ludivine Duroyon, co-advised with Ioana Manolescu. Moved to the industry.
  5. Cheikh Brahim El Vaigh co-advised with Guillaume Gravier and Pascale Sébillot. Graduated in January 2021, then a Teaching and Research Assistant at Univ. Rennes in France, now an Associate Professor at Univ Bourgogne in France.
  6. Sejla Cebiric, co-advised with Ioana Manolescu. Moved to the industry, now a software engineer at Infobip in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  7. Sara El Hassad, co-advised with Hélène Jaudoin. Graduated in 2018, then a postdoc at Univ. Nantes in France, now a data analyst at Capgemini in France.
  8. Camille Bourgaux, co-advised with Meghyn Bienvenu. Graduated in 2016, then a postdoc at TU Dresden in Germany, then a postdoc at Télécom ParisTech in France, now a Researcher at CNRS (ENS Ulm) in France.
  9. Damian Bursztyn, co-advised with Ioana Manolescu. Graduated in 2016, then a data scientist at Ivizone in France, then a Researcher at Thalès in France.
  10. Raphaël Bonaque, co-advised with Bogdan Cautiș and Ioana Manolescu. Graduated in 2016, now a data scientist at "Made in Data" in France.
  11. Stamatis Zampetakis, co-advised with Ioana Manolescu. Graduated in 2015, then an engineer at TIBCO Orchestra Networks in France, now with Cloudera in France.
  12. Alexandra Roatis, co-advised with Dario Colazzo and Ioana Manolescu. Graduated in 2014, then a post-doc at U. Waterloo in Canada, then an engineer at The Open Application Network in Canada, now with Google in Canada.
  13. Julien Leblay, co-advised with Ioana Manolescu. Graduated in 2013, then a post-doc at U. Oxford in UK, now a researcher at AIST in Japan.
  14. Konstantinos Karanasos, co-advised with Ioana Manolescu. Graduated in 2012, then a postdoc at IBM Almaden in the USA, now with Microsoft Research in the USA.
  15. Nada Abdallah, co-advised with Serge Abiteboul. Graduated in 2010, now running a family with two kids in France.
  16. Philippe Adjiman, co-advised with Marie-Christine Rousset. Graduated in 2006, then an engineer at eBay in Israel, then an engineer at Outbrain in Israel, now a data scientist at Google in Israel.