ASM : Advanced Semantics


The objective of this course is to acquire the fundamental concepts and tools for understanding the scene behind programming languages.


Semantics, type theory, program logics, compilation, software verification.


  1. Denotational semantics.
  2. Continuation semantics and CPS programming.
  3. Type systems. Correction and inference. Polymorphism. Dependant types.
  4. Program logics. Hoare Logic. Separation Logic.



22/11 introduction, denotational semantics
23/11 no lecture
29/11 denotational semantics and continuations
30/11 continuations (ctd')
06/12 no lecture
07/12 PCF : calling strategies Aurèle Barrière : Pretty-big step semantics
13/12 no lecture
14/12 PCF : interpretation Thomas Mari : Representing Control in the Presence of First-Class Continuations
Bastien Thomas The Essence of Compiling with Continuations
20/12 PCF: compilation Joshua Peignier : A syntactic approach to type soundness
21/12 no lecture
10/01 PCF: static typing, denotational semantics
11/01 types and proofs, axiomatic semantics Yassir Anouar : An efficient unification algorithm
17/01 axiomatic semantics (ctd.)
18/01 axiomatic semantics (end) Solène Mirliaz : Separation Logic : a Logic for shared mutable Data Sructures
24/01 exam
25/01 no lecture