David Baelde

I am a professor at ENS Rennes doing research at IRISA, team Spicy.

I love my job! However, like most of my colleagues, I strongly disagree with the ongoing French pension reform or some higher-education and research reforms.

This page is work in progress, please consult my former web page at LSV for more information.


I work mainly on developing languages and tools for formally proving security protocols. Most of my research efforts are currently revolving around 🐿️ the Squirrel proof assistant 🐿️.

I am more broadly interested in:

Publications on HAL (includes some pre-prints) and DBLP.


I have been part of the program committees of CCS 2023 (formal methods & programming languages track), CADE 2023, LFMTP 2022 (co-chair), PPDP 2022, LFMTP 2021 and 2020, CiSS 2019, etc.

I have been lecturing at the Cyber in Nancy and MOVEP 2021 summer schools. I have organized the EPIT 2018 spring school on software verification.

I have defended my habilitation in February 2021.


En 2023-24, j’enseigne:

Pages from my past years at ENS Rennes: 2022-23.


De préférence par courrier électronique (prénom.nom à l’ ens-rennes.fr) ou Discord pour les étudiants. Sinon +33 (0)2 99 84 22 99 quand je suis à mon bureau à l’IRISA.