Who I am

My name is Claire Delaplace, I am a PhD student in Computer Science, at Rennes 1 University, in the EMSEC team of IRISA and in the CFHP team of the CRIStAL lab (University of Lille), under the supervision of Pierre-Alain Fouque and Charles Bouillaguet.


Université de Rennes 1, Campus de Beaulieu
263, avenue du Général Leclerc, Batiment 12
35042, Rennes CEDEX, France
mail: claire.delaplace [at] irisa.fr



I am trying to design new algorithms for Computer Algebra and Cryptography. More precisely, on the Computer Algebra side, I have been working on the design and implementation of a new algorithm for sparse gaussian elimination adapted to exact linear algebra. On the Crypto side, I have been working on the bit-string analogue of the 3SUM problem, known to have application in symetric cryptanalysis. I am also interested in problems related to euclidean lattices, such as the Learning With Error (LWE) problem.

I have also worked on the design of a pseudorandom generator SPRING-RS, based on the Learning With Rounding (LWR) problem.


Peer Reviewed, Published and Accepted Papers

Pre-print, submitted paper, reports

