My name is Claire Delaplace, I am a PhD student in Computer Science, at Rennes 1 University, in the EMSEC team of IRISA and in the CFHP team of the CRIStAL lab (University of Lille), under the supervision of Pierre-Alain Fouque and Charles Bouillaguet.
Université de Rennes 1, Campus de Beaulieu
263, avenue du Général Leclerc, Batiment 12
35042, Rennes CEDEX, France
mail: claire.delaplace [at]
I am trying to design new algorithms for Computer Algebra and Cryptography. More precisely, on the Computer Algebra side, I have been working on the design and implementation of a new algorithm for sparse gaussian elimination adapted to exact linear algebra. On the Crypto side, I have been working on the bit-string analogue of the 3SUM problem, known to have application in symetric cryptanalysis. I am also interested in problems related to euclidean lattices, such as the Learning With Error (LWE) problem.
I have also worked on the design of a pseudorandom generator SPRING-RS, based on the Learning With Rounding (LWR) problem.
Authors: Jonathan Bootle, Claire Delaplace, Thomas Espitau, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Mehdi Tibouchi
Accepted to "ASIACRYPT 2018".
Authors: Bonan Cuan, Aliénor Damien, Claire Delaplace, Mathieu Valois
"SECRYPT 2018" (position paper).
Links: SciTePress
Authors: Charles Bouillaguet, Claire Delaplace, Pierre-Alain Fouque
Published in "IACR Journal on Transaction on Symetric
Cryptology, ToSC 2018".
Presented at FSE 2018, Bruges, Belgium, Mars 2018.
Authors: Charles Bouillaguet, Claire Delaplace, Marie-Emilie Voge
Proceeding in "8th International Workshop on Parallel
Symbolic computation, PASCO 2017". (Best student paper)
Presented at PASCO, Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 2017.
Authors: Charles Bouillaguet, Claire Delaplace, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Paul Kirchner
Proceeding in "Post-Quantum Cryptography - 8th
International Workshop, PQCrypto 2017".
Presented at PQCrypto, Utrecht, Nederland, June 2017.
Authors: Charles Bouillaguet, Claire Delaplace
Proceeding in "18th International Workshop on Computer
Algebra and Scientific Computing, CASC 2016".
Presented at CASC, Bucharest, Romania, September 2016.
Authors: Bonan Cuan, Aliénor Damien, Claire Delaplace, Mathieu Valois
Report written as part of the "Rencontre Entreprise Doctorants en Sécurité", REDOCS 2017 French event.
Seminaire Cryptographie et Sécurité du GREYC, Unviversité de Caen, May 2018
LACS seminar, University of Luxembourg, May 2018
Lattice Meeting, ENS Lyon, May 2017
JNCF, Journée Nationnales du Calcul Formel, CIRM Luminy, January 2017
Casys-mef Seminar, University of Grenoble Alpes, October 2016
CO2 Seminar, Control and Scientific Computing, Polytechnique Lille, July 2016
Introduction à la sécurité informatique (TP)
M1 Informatique, Rennes 1 ( webpage in french)
Introduction à la programmation en java (TP)
L1 Informatique-Electronique, Rennes 1 ( webpage in french )
Introduction à la programmation en java (TD/TP)
L1 Informatique-Electronique, Rennes 1
Algorithmes pour la sécurité informatique (TP)
M1 Informatique, Rennes 1 ( webpage in french)