Christian BARILLOT

Christian Barillot

Who Am I?

I was born in France in 1959. I got my Ph.D. thesis from the University of Rennes I on “Information Processing” in 1984 and my "Habilitation" thesis on Computer Sciences in 1999. From 1986, I was research associate at the SIM Laboratory (Signals and Images in Medicine) of the University of Rennes I. In 1986, I was appointed from the CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research) as a tenure Researcher. In 1987, 1988 and again partially in 1991, I was research fellow at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN in the Biomedical Imaging Resources, dept. of physiology and biophysics chairs by Prof. R.A. Robb. I worked there in the field of 3D images analysis and Display, and I contributed to the elaboration of the Volume Rendering module in ANALYZE. Between 1988 and 1996 I worked for the SIM Laboratory and the INSERM U335 unit at the University of Rennes I. In 2003, I was a visiting professor at the Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada collaborating with Professors T. Peters and A. Fenster under a CIHR grant.

In 1996, I joined IRISA, collaborating first with the VISTA Team. Since 2004, I am the scientific leader of the VisAGeS U1228 (ex. U746) research Unit, and since 2010 I am the director of the Neurinfo imaging platform. Between 2007 and 2010, I was appointed by AERES (French National Agency for Scientific Evaluation) as a scientific delegate for the supervision of research units evaluation in the life science domain. Since 2011, I am member of the scientific committee (CSI) of the CNRS Institute for Information Sciences and Technologies (INS2I), and the chairman of this scientific committee between 2015 and 2018.


What I am doing?

Research areas

My research interests concern the processing of multidimensional images applied to medicine including the aspects of medical image analysis, integration and fusion of medical images and their applications in brain pathologies. I was a collaborator and principal investigator for more than twenty national and international grants with institutions like the NIH, HFSPO, the French Ministry of Research, ANR, the Region Bretagne, CNRS and INRIA. I'm (co-) author of nearly 200 scientific articles in refereed (abstracts excluded), have participated in the filing of 12 patent and software. In 1995 I was co-chairman of the 14th annual international conference IPMI (Information Processing in Medical Imaging), then in 2004 president of MICCAI-2004, the 7th International Conference MICCAI (Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention), and program co-chair of the 2013 and 2014 editions. Miccai and IPMI are the major international conference series in the field. I serve regularly expert from national and international evaluation of contracts and grant applications. I am a regular member of program committees of international conferences in the field of medical imaging and is associate editor of IEEE Trans. Med. Medical Imaging and Image Analysis. I was appointed a Senior Member of IEEE learned society in 2006 and was elected in 2011 as a MICCAI society Fellow.


Habilitation Thesis

Selection of recent Publications

  1. Barillot, C., Edan, G., and Commowick, O.: ‘Imaging biomarkers in Multiple Sclerosis: from image analysis to population imaging’, Medical Image Analysis, 2016, 17, (6), pp. Online 15 June 2016 (HAL link)
  2. Maumet, C., Maurel, P., Ferre, J.C., and Barillot, C.: ‘An a contrario approach for the detection of patient-specific brain perfusion abnormalities with arterial spin labelling’, Neuroimage, 2016, 134, pp. 424-433 (HAL link)
  3. Crimi A, Commowick O, Maarouf A, Ferre JC, Bannier E, Tourbah A, et al. Predictive Value of Imaging Markers at Multiple Sclerosis Disease Onset Based on Gadolinium- and USPIO-Enhanced MRI and Machine Learning. PLOS-ONE. 2014 (published online : April 5th, 2014).(HAL link)
  4. Maumet C, Maurel P, Ferre JC, Carsin B, Barillot C. Patient-specific detection of perfusion abnormalities combining within-subject and between-subject variances in Arterial Spin Labeling. Neuroimage. 2013;81:121-30. (HAL link)
  5. Petr, J., Ferre, J.C., Raoult, H., Bannier, E., Gauvrit, J.Y., and Barillot, C.: ‘Template-based approach for detecting motor task activation-related hyperperfusion in pulsed ASL data’, Hum Brain Mapp, 2014, 36, (4), pp. 1179-1189. (HAL link)
  6. Garcia-Lorenzo D, Prima S, Arnold DL, Collins DL, Barillot C. Trimmed-Likelihood Estimation for Focal Lesions and Tissue Segmentation in Multi-Sequence MRI for Multiple Sclerosis. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2011;30(8):1455-67.(HAL link)
  7. de Guibert C, Maumet C, Jannin P, Ferre JC, Treguier C, Barillot C, et al. Abnormal functional lateralization and activity of language brain areas in typical specific language impairment (developmental dysphasia). Brain. 2011;134:3044-58.(HAL link)
  8. Coupé P, Hellier P, Kervrann C, Barillot C. NonLocal Means-based Speckle Filtering for Ultrasound Images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2009;18(10):2221-9.(HAL link)
  9. Ciofolo C, Barillot C. Atlas-based segmentation of 3D cerebral structures with competitive level sets and fuzzy control. Medical Image Analysis. 2009;13(3):456-70.(HAL link)
  10. Coupé P, Yger P, Prima S, Hellier P, Kervrann C, Barillot C. An Optimized Blockwise Non Local Means Denoising Filter for 3D Magnetic Resonance Images. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2008;27(4):425-41.(HAL link)



Where To Find Me?


Campus de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes cedex - France

Ph: +33 2 99 84 75 05
Fax: +33 2 99 84 71 71

Assistant : Angélique Jarnoux; ph : +33 2 99 84 25 22


Within the VisAGeS Team.

Visages team