Course materials for ESIR2 students

ESIR2-S7-OMD (part 1)

This course provides an introduction to Software Modeling.


Professor: Benoit Combemale

Date Lecture Material Comment
Sep. 12th, 2022 Welcome introduction slides on campus
Sep. 13th, 2022 Introduction to modeling slides on campus
Sep. 14th, 2022 UML overview slides on campus
Sep. 15th, 2022 UML overview, cond. on campus
Sep. 16th, 2022 UML overview, cond. on campus
Sep. 22nd, 2022 Design Pattern slides on campus


Professor: Benoit Combemale, Hélène Feuillâtre and Gwendal Jouneaux

  • Labs #1 and #2: object-oriented analysis and design ( topic and solution)
  • Labs #3, #4, #5 and #6: object-oriented design and implementation ( topic)

Further material

ESIR2-S7-OMD (part 2)

This course provides an introduction to software development tools: source code management, build management, software delivery and continuous integration.


Professor: Benoit Combemale and Johann Bourcier

Date Lecture Material Comment
Sep. 23rd, 2022 SOLID Implementation Pattern on campus
Sep. 23rd, 2022 Tools for Software Development Industrialization slides on campus
Oct. 4th, 2022 Tools for Software Development Industrialization, cond. on campus
Oct. 10th, 2022 Introduction to agile methods slides on campus
Oct. 11th, 2022 Introduction to agile methods, cond. on campus


Professor: Benoit Combemale, Hélène Feuillâtre and Gwendal Jouneaux

The labs will consist in implementing individually the proposed tutorial. The tentative timeline is the following:

  • [Part 1-4] Maven ~4h
  • [Part 5] Git ~2h
  • [Part 6] Sonar ~1h
  • [Part 7] Jenkins ~2h
  • [Part 8] GitlabCI ~3h

You must continuously demonstrate your progresses to your professor that will lead to a mark for your labs.


Date Lecture Material Comment
Nov. 7th, 2022 final exam n/a on campus

Further material


This course provides an extended overview of the software testing techniques.


Professor: Benoit Combemale

Date Lecture Material Comment
Nov. 7th, 2022 Introduction slides on campus
Nov. 8th, 2022 Software testing at glance slides on campus
Nov. 8th, 2022, cond. Static analysis slides on campus
Nov. 15th, 2022 Dynamic testing slides on campus
Nov. 18th, 2022 Integration testing slides on campus
Nov. 25th, 2022 Test qualification and main criteria slides on campus
Nov. 25th, 2022, cond. Mutation testing slides on campus

A textbook (by Oscar Luis Vera-Pérez) complements the lectures.


Date Lecture Material Comment
Xxx ZZth, 2022 TBA. slides on campus
Yyy ZZth, 2022 TBA. slides on campus


Professors: Benoit Combemale and Gwendal Jouneaux

Optional labs: if you want to experiment property-based testing and GUI testing, you may optionally have a look to Lab #4 and Lab #5, respectively.


Date Lecture Material Comment
Dec. 2nd, 2022 Evaluation n/a on campus

Further material, information and references


This course provides an introduction to DevOps principles, tools and methods.


Professor: Benoit Combemale and Paul Temple

Date Lecture Material Comment
TBA. Introduction to DevOps slides and video on campus


Professor: Paul Temple and TBA.

Further material

ESIR2-SI-S7/S8-Projet: Software Development Project

This course consists in realizing an agile software development project, leveraging all the previous courses.

Professors: Johann Bourcier, Francesca Galassi, Zoltan Miklos and Benoit Combemale



Date Lecture Material Comment
Jan. 6th, 2023 Evaluation Proj 1 n/a on campus
TBA. Evaluation Proj 2 n/a on campus
Benoit Combemale
Benoit Combemale
Full Professor of Software Engineering

Agility and safety for wild software