Arnaud Delhay-Lorrain

PhD, Associate professor

IUT de Lannion (University of Rennes 1) / IRISA (Team Expression)
Rue Edouard Branly - BP 30219
22302 Lannion Cedex

FirstName . LastName [at] irisa [dot] fr
+33 (0)296 46 96 63

Arnaud Delhay

Research interests

  • Expressive speech synthesis
  • Computational complexity
  • Parallel processing

Short bio

I have achieved a DEA (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies, equivalent to a Master of Science degree) in Computer Science at the Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 1 (Lille, France) in 1996, and a Engineer diploma at ISEN (Institut Supérieur d'Electronique du Nord, Lille, France).

I have defended my PhD in computer science in November, 2000 as a member of the LIFL (Lille, France), working on computational complexity, and anytime algorithms under the supervision of Pr. Max Dauchet (LIFL) and Pr. Philippe Vanheeghe (LAGIS), and the collaboration of Patrick Taillibert, Thalès Detexis.

Now, since September 2001, after one year of temporary teacher cum researcher (ATER), I am assistant professor at IUT de Lannion (Lannion, France) as part of University of Rennes 1. My research activity is done at IRISA, as part of the team Expression since 2014 (previously in the team Cordial from 2001 to 2013).

First, I have focused my research on learning by analogy and its algorithmic problems. Now, my research interests are speech, computational complexity and high speed processing.


Sept. 2001 - present

Associate professor at IUT de Lannion/Université de Rennes 1 as part of the team Cordial/IRISA, then as part of the team EXPRESSION/IRISA (Lannion, France)

Sept. 2000 - Aug. 2001

Temporary Teacher cum Researcher (ATER) at IUT de Lannion/Université de Rennes 1

Sept. 1997 - Nov. 2000

Ph. D. candidate in computer science in LIFL and ISEN (Lille, France)

Sept. 1996 - Aug. 1997

Engineer in DGA/DRET (Délégation Générale pour l'Armement), national service (Paris, France)

Jun. 1996

  • Master of Science (DEA) in Computer Science at ISEN/LIFL (Lille, France)
  • Engineer in computer science at ISEN (Lille, France)

Research (under construction)

Current activity

Algorithms and high speed processing for speech synthesis.

Previous activities

Anytime Algorithms, Action Planning, Proportional Analogy.


Associate professor at IUT Lannion (2001 - present)

  • Basic and advanced Databases (B.Sc. level)
  • Information systems design and analysis (B.Sc. level)
  • Web server programming with PHP (B.Sc. level)
  • Linux operating system (B.Sc. Level)
  • Computer networks (B.Sc. Level)
  • Algorithms and programming, Data structures (B.Sc. level)

Teaching at ENSSAT Lannion (2007 - present)

  • Web server programming with PHP (B.Sc. level)
  • Theory of complexity and computability (M.Sc. level)


International journal

  1. L Miclet, S Bayoudh, and A Delhay (2008)
    Analogical Dissimilarity: Definition, Algorithms and Two Experiments in Machine Learning
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 32:793-824.

International conferences

  1. N Barbot, O Boëffard, and A Delhay (2012).
    Comparing performance of different set-covering strategies for linguistic content optimization in speech corpora
    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey.
  2. N Barbot, V Barreaud, O Boëffard, L Charonnat, A Delhay, S Le Maguer, and D Lolive (2011).
    Towards a Versatile Multi-Layered Description of Speech Corpora Using Algebraic Relations
    Roberto Pieraccini and Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio, Florence, Italy.
  3. P Alain, N Barbot, V Barreaud, L Blin, O Boëffard, L Charonnat, A Choumane, A Delhay, S Le Maguer, D Lolive, T Moudenc, and G Vidal (2009).
    A multi-agent platform for multimodal pervasive applications
    In: Proceedings of the Conference on the Networked and Electronic Media (Nem), Saint Malo, France.
  4. J Chevelu, N Barbot, O Boëffard, and A Delhay (2008).
    Comparing set-covering strategies for optimal corpus design
    In: Proceedings of the 6th International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08), edited by European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Marrakech, Morocco.
  5. S Bayoudh, L Miclet, and A Delhay (2007).
    Learning by Analogy : a Classification Rule for Binary and Nominal Data
    In: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Manuela M. Veloso. AAAI Press,, pages 678–683.
  6. J Chevelu, N Barbot, O Boëffard, and A Delhay (2007).
    Lagrangian relaxation for optimal corpus design
    In: Proceedings of the 6th ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Synthesis (SSW6) , edited by Wagner, Petra and Abresh, Julia and Hess, Wolfgang. , Bonn, Germany, pages 211-216.
  7. A Delhay, and L Miclet (2004).
    Analogical Equations in Sequences: Definition and Resolution
    In: Proceedings of ICGI - the 7th International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference, pages 127–138.
  8. A Delhay, M Dauchet, P Taillibert, P. Vanheeghe (1999)
    Maximization of the Average Quality of Anytime Contract Algorithms over a Time Interval
    In: Proceedings of International Joint Conference (IJCAI'99), Stockholm, Vol. 2, pp. 212-217.
  9. A Delhay, A-I Mouaddib, S Zilberstein (1999)
    Sequencing Multiple Contract Algorithms
    In Proceedings of IJCAI’99 Workshop Scheduling and Planning meet Real-Time Monitoring in a Dynamic and Uncertain World, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 79-83.
  10. A Delhay, M Dauchet, P Taillibert, P Vanheeghe (1998)
    Optimization of the Average Quality of Anytime Algorithms
    In: Proceedings of ECAI’98 Workshop on Monitoring and Control of Real-Time Intelligent Systems, Brighton, UK, pp. 1-4.

French-speaking journals

  1. A Delhay, and L Miclet (2005).
    Analogie entre séquences : définition, calcul et utilisation en apprentissage supervisé
    Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle.

French-speaking conferences

  1. P Alain, N Barbot, O Boëffard, J Chevelu, and A Delhay (2008).
    Evaluation de méthodes de réduction de corpus linguistiques
    In: Actes des XXVIIèmes Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole (JEP), Avignon, France.
  2. L Miclet, S Bayoudh, A Delhay, and H Mouchère (2007).
    De l'utilisation de la proportion analogique en apprentissage artificiel.
    In: Journées d'Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale, Plate-forme AFIA 2007, Grenoble.
  3. A Delhay, and L Miclet (2004).
    Solving analogical equations for learning by analogy with sequences
    In: Actes de la Conférence sur l'Apprentissage, CAp 2004.
  4. A. Delhay,
    Maximisation de la qualité moyenne des algorithmes anytime à contrat sur un intervalle de temps,
    In: actes de la Rencontre des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle (RJCIA 2000), Lyon, 10-13 septembre 2000, pp. 83-92.
  1. Arnaud Delhay. Contribution à l'algorithmique anytime : contrôle et conception. PhD thesis, USTL, November 23rd, 2000.