
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning

This is a series of lectures I am giving in 2023 at Télécom Physique Strasbourg on A.I., Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Here is the material for the class:

Animated versions:

Printable version of the full course: cours_IA_TPS_full_printable.pdf

Tutorials (password protected):

Intelligent Sensing Winter School 2021

On December 9th 2021, I gave a virtual lecture entitled « Machine Learning for Indoor Acoustics » at the Intelligent Sensing Winter School of the Queen Mary University of London. This year’s themes were « AI for sound perception, AI for visual perception, AI for multimodal perception ». You can download the slides here: QMUL_CIS_Winter_School_deleforge_09.12.2021_split.pdf.

IEEE S3P 2019 Summer School in Arenzano

On September 13th 2019, I gave a lecture entitled « Taking the Best of Physics and Machine Learning in Robot Audition » at the IEEE S3P 2019 Summer School in Arenzano, Italy. This year’s theme was « Signal Processing for Autonomous Systems ». You can download the slides here: S3P2019_deleforge_animated.pdf.

Master ISTIC – Module VAI

  • October the 3rd and the 4th 2017 : Here are the slides (In English) of my lecture on Auditory Scene Synthesis and Analysis (Spatialization, Localization, Separation)cours_ISTIC_casa_2017_english.pdf

Bayesian Learning for Signal Processing

On August the 24th 2015, Mikkel Schmidt and I were invited to give a tutorial on Bayesian Learning for Signal Processing at LVA/ICA 2015’s summer school in Liberec (Czech Republic). Here are the slides of the two parts I presented

Unsupervised Learning

This is a series of four 3-hour long practical sessions on unsupervised learning taught at the Engineering school Télécom Physique Strasbourg (2021 – now).