Alexandre Debant

This my my old page... the new one is available here:

Since 2022, I am a researcher (chargé de recherche) at Inria Nancy - Grand Est in the Pesto team. Before, I spent 2 years in the team as a post-doctoral researcher. I obtained my PhD under the supervision of Stéphanie Delaune. on November 17th 2020 in the EMSEC team at IRISA Lab in Rennes. Before I was student at École normale supérieure de Rennes.

Research Interests: my research mainly focuses on the formal verification of cryptographic protocols. During my PhD I focused on distance-bounding protocols, used for instance for contact-less paiements. During my post-doc I was interested in the design and verification of e-voting protocols. Topics I am still working on today. From an holistic point of view I am interested in proving the security or safety of critical systems.

Keywords: cryptographic protocols, formal verification, symbolic methods, distance-bounding protocols, e-voting protocols.

Contact | Teaching | Publications | Talks | CV

**News** Our analysis of the e-voting protocol deployed for the 2022 French legislative elections (French citizens aborad) as been accepted at Real World Crypto (RWC) 2023. In this paper we present a comprehensive description of the system and different vulnerabilities that break both vote secrecy and verifiability assuming, for instance, a compromised voting server.

Contact details

Office B272
Inria Nancy - Grand Est, Rennes
615, rue du Jardin Botanique
54600 Villers-lès-Nancy

E-mail: alexandre.debant [at] inria [dot] fr
